Little Known Merits of Enrolling in an Accredited Nail Tech School

States have strict licensing requirements for manicurists. So anyone wanting a career as a nail technician should attend an accredited school to enable them to pass state license exams.

Why Attend a Nail Tech School?

Attending an accredited nail tech school is sometimes required under state law for the purposes of qualifying as a professional manicurist. Beyond the state requirements, though, there are a number of benefits to enrolling in a quality program.

Experienced Instructors — An accredited school will have some of the most experienced instructors available, who are licensed and have made manicuring their life’s work. There is no better resource to find out about the realities of working in the field.

Practice — Students gain valuable experience in various techniques as they work in the beauty school salon.

Experience — Different teachers will bring different teaching styles to their work. So students will get exposure to different techniques and experience.

Network — Students can meet and network with each other and their teachers so when they enter the professional world they will have contacts they may need and will not have to go it alone.

Products — Manufacturers of nail products often make it a point of visiting tech schools to display and explain products you may be selling or using in your career.

Boards — Students will find that a good tech school will cover the items that will be on the state certification exam, so they will have a leg up in passing. Many states also require that an applicant have a certain number of  hours of actual practice, which can be completed and documented at the school

Duration — Instructional programs for nail technicians generally are intensive, but short, typically lasting nine months or less. That means getting the instruction you need quickly so you can begin your career with confidence.

How to Choose a Good Nail Tech School

Spend a little time reviewing the curriculum, tuition, instructor base, and the salon experience you will receive. A good nail tech school is not always the most expensive, but it will provide many of the experiences and benefits that have been listed here.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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