Choosing a Cosmetology Program

Going to cosmetology school could be a great long-term choice. Those who go to cosmetology school can then pursue careers as cosmetologists or other fields in the beauty industry. Those in these industries can have lucrative and very rewarding careers. There are several tips to follow when picking a cosmetology school.


One of the most important things that you should look for when choosing a cosmetology program is ensuring that it is fully accredited. There are many programs out there to choose from, some of which may be cheaper and easier than others. While they may seem better, they may not be accredited. If the school is not accredited, you may not obtain the education that you need to sit for the licensing exam. Furthermore, employers at salons may not value the education as much as they would if you had gone to an accredited program. Because of this, it would be wise to select an accredited school.

Business Courses

When you are going through the process of picking a cosmetology school you should also pick the school that offers business courses. Many cosmetologists eventually want to open up their own salon and be their own boss. While it may be a great long-term option, cosmetologists who open a salon may not have the business education necessary to go through the process. To know and understand everything that they have to do when opening a business of their own, taking some business courses while you’re in school will give you the educational background and basic knowledge necessary to open up your own salon.

Practice Hours

When you are going through the process of choosing a cosmetology school to attend, another factor to consider is how many practice hours you get to take advantage of. Almost all cosmetology schools will have you practice on live clients a little bit while you’re in school. However, the amount of hours you spend doing this will vary considerably from one school to the next. It would be a good idea to pick a school that offers the opportunity to practice on lots of clients because this will give you more practice and will also allow you to start building a client list while you are still in school.

Specialties Offered

The fourth factor to consider when choosing cosmetology program is whether the school will offer specialties that you are interested in. If you pursue a particular degree or specialty then it’s important to make sure that the school you choose offers this and has a good reputation in that particular field. This will ensure that you receive the proper education you need to start working in the specific field and it will limit the amount of education that you need to receive.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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