Cosmetology Student Success Story: Karen Osorio
Our Renton campus awarded Ms. Karen Osorio this past month in an all school assembly in front of peers for building her empire. When she knew she had potential, all she needed was a little motivation and acceptance, Karen is now on her way to accomplishing big dreams!
About Karen Osorio
“I chose cosmetology because I was looking for a place to grow. A place that would help me discover who I was and that would test my potential. I always knew I had a very creative mind and a good eye for perfection it was just figuring out in which way to apply it. Before I started attending Evergreen Beauty College I was working the graveyard shift at 24 hour fitness. Living a basic routine, same day in, day out. I had lost track of my dreams and wasn’t really focusing on what would happen next. After graduating high school my life did a 360, everything around me was changing and becoming a young adult was challenging. Having to hold my own ground juggling all the changes really impacted my focus and stability. I got to a point where I just wanted to stop feeling like I wasn’t going anywhere. Reality check after reality check and it finally hit me, that the only thing I was setting myself up for was failure and if I wanted it to change, that I had to change. Luckily the people who stood next to me through it all really pushed me to see my potential. My career has become my gateway to a happier self and I truly believe that all those around me can sense that change,” shares Karen.
We asked Karen why she chose us, Evergreen, when looking into the beauty industry, her reply, “Evergreen Beauty College was the only beauty school I found that were regularly involved in community events. I wanted to give back, to help our community, all while getting in the practice that I need to be successful. Also Evergreen organizes different events for their student body so we can get a idea of how working in the real world is going to be, and the different aspects to our career that are out there. I’m really looking forward to getting a taste of what my work would look like on the run way with the halloween fashion show they host every fall. Overall, the most valuable thing that stood out to me was that Evergreen is a family owned school, therefore they understand the importance of supporting your family. Enrolling in the school gave me a spot in their beauty school familia, guiding me from start to end.”
The Evergreen Expereince
Since starting the cosmetology program with us Ms. Karen has shared some of her highlights of what she has enjoyed, what has helped her so far and what sets her apart from other cosmetologist:
“Since starting my program I would say that working on the salon floor would be what I enjoy most. Even if I was having a bad day, by the time it hits 10:30am and our clients start to arrive I forgets all my problems. I’m then able to unleash my creativity which motivates me to push through and to keep focusing on my goals. I like being around people that share the same ambitions I do. Everyone here is so supportive and looking to become the best version of them selves. Just like I am. It’s not everyday you find a spot were you know you belong and that your being excepted with out judgment.”
“Now, if I had to pick an assignment, I’d say that working with Nuts and Bolts (our business program) really helped me see every aspect of my career. It’s become a resource that I can take with me and look back through if I have any questions or concerns about how I’m running my business or if I’m doing things properly and professionally as a cosmetologist. There are so many different tools the books supply you with, I wouldn’t be able to limit it to one assignment out of them, but the whole aspect of our NaB program in general.”
“As for my strength you ask? Well, at this moment it would be that I’m a believer. A believer that I can get any service done, no matter the obstacle that may come through the front doors. My specialty is my braiding and perm services though! The funny thing is I didn’t even know I had it in me. A good friend Cesillia Mora would always braid with tension and persistence and I would always be “in awe” of her skill. Simply having to remember the motion of each different braid would seem so difficult in the beginning. At one point I remember sharing with my roommate, ‘If I can’t even do a simple braid, what makes me think I can do any other service?’ she looked back at me and said, ‘Karen, you are capable of that and much more!’ and she was right! In time braiding has become my pursuit and it sure is paying off. Perming on the other hand challenges my memorization skills and helps me work on my timing.”
“I feel like what sets me aside from the rest of the industry is my ability to feel comfortable being uncomfortable. I get feed back from my classmates saying they admire my confidence when it comes to adapting in difficult situations and how I dont shy away from trying new things. If they only knew that when I first started beauty school I was actually full of doubt and insecurities. I didnt see it in me until a day came were I had to take the bull by the horns and complete my first braiding service on textured hair! Since that service, I now tell myself that I have to confront this situation, no matter how difficult it is… ‘its now or never, you got this’. Which helps in those uncomfortable times.”
“I can understand that scheduling an appointment at a beauty school can be some what concerning, even if we’re being trained by professionals. One thing I can tell my future clients, is this, I love getting to know my clients and even though it is a school where we are still learning, it is my ultimate goal to deliver satisfaction in the outcome of your service!” adds Karen.
The Next Step
Half way through her program, Karen has goals already coming into focus as she becomes the guru in the beauty industry she is determined to be. “After gradution my goal is to travel the world. I don’t really see myself working in a salon atmosphere but more of being able to take my knowledge abroad. I would love to go all around the world and discover new products and techniques. To be able to work on people from different parts of the world. I’ll even share my biggest goal with you, working on editorials for hairstyling magazines. I want to see my brand name ‘Two Kay Vanity’ and skills on the new york fashion week runway!” confides Karen as she shares her long term vision with us.
“As I am wrapping up the first half of my program I have some advice for others like me that have dreams for this industry, and that would be to always put you and your love for your career first. No matter the obstacle, no matter the fall, get back up and keep in mind that there is a solution to everything. At the end when you realize your empire is built you’ll understand it was all worth it. Never stop believing in yourself,” Karen states.
Ms. Karen Osorio is set to graduate this coming January 2020 and what better way to support her other than to stop by our Renton campus! And if you are interested in continuing to follow Karen throughout her cosmetology program, you can check her out on IG: @twokayvanity . Congrats Karen! Evergreen wishes you the best as you find your path in this beautiful industry.
If you are interested in pursuing a career in the beauty industry take the Beauty Biz Readiness Quiz, you can also check out our programs or contact us at one of our five locations: Everett, Renton, North Seattle, Yakima, and soon to be Mount Vernon as well.