Do Cosmetology Schools Require a Diploma or GED?

Each state sets the requirements for eligibility to enroll and complete a cosmetology program. Virtually all cosmetology schools require that incoming students have a high school diploma or its equivalent, the general educational development (GED) certificate. You must be a certain age to apply for a cosmetology program, and the age varies for every state. In New York, you have to be at least 17 years old. In Washington, you must be at least 16 years old. 

Cosmetology school doesn’t require students to study general education courses. However, most states require students to obtain at least a GED to qualify for enrollment, as well as successfully complete the program before they can make a living as a cosmetologist

GED for Beauty School

In most states and beauty schools, a high school diploma or its equivalent is required to gain admission. The GED tests students in the following subjects:

  • Reasoning through language arts (reading and writing)
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Social Studies

For example, in Washington State students as young as 16 years old can take the GED. However, anyone younger than 19 must submit an “approval to test” form that is completed and submitted by a Washington State high school. 

Each test is $30. The official term is General Educational Development tests, but over time, common usage has made GED stand for General Equivalency Degree or General Equivalency Diploma. No matter what it is called, people who did not receive a high school diploma can take the five simple tests and receive the GED certificate that allows them to gain admission to beauty school under the equivalency requirement.

Gaining Entrance to a Beauty School Without a GED

in class applying makeup


Some schools are willing to make an exception to qualifying students and to enroll students without a GED on a provisional basis, so long as the student is working towards completion of their GED. Of course, with these schools, not completing the GED for beauty school means no diploma from beauty school either, so students need to make sure they are committed to achieving these twin educational goals.

Check with the admissions and financial aid office if you must obtain your GED before applying for financial aid. 

GED for Beauty School and a Beautician’s License

As a general recommendation, the high school diploma or GED is preferred. If you are ready to start making plans to explore your cosmetology options and obtain your GED, consult your high school advisor if you are under 19 years of age. Research your state’s GED testing and transcripts locations, costs, and test preparatory material. Are you interested in attending beauty school? Contact us to find out more about our admissions requirements!

Evergreen offers financial aid to those that qualify.

Update: Ability to Benefit tests used to be available for students and are no longer available for nationally accredited schools like Evergreen.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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jovanda dobson
jovanda dobson
11 years ago

So what’s the schools name where do I find the school that let go to school for hair in also go for there ged

11 years ago
Reply to  jovanda dobson

HI Jovanda! Beauty schools do not provide GED courses as the are approved to teach beauty classes. Therefore, you will need to contact your local community college, take the GED classes and from there you will be able to apply for beauty school. The ATB testing used to be an option, but recently that has been changed by the Department of Education and no longer an accepted form at Nationally Accredited schools such as ours. I hope that helps! If you have any further questions, feel free to call us and speak with an Admissions Counselor!

Dawn M Trigg
Dawn M Trigg
4 years ago
Reply to  Joe

Can you take this on line

10 years ago

Could I attend Cosmetology classes while i’m still attending GED classes?

Frank meraz jr
Frank meraz jr
5 years ago

I don’t have high school diploma or ged can anyone help me find a school for barbare school

5 years ago

Am from south Africa and i don’t have a GED and thinking of stuying in the U.S but i have not find any school that can accept me because i don’t have a GED
Do you know of any beauty school that accept students with of a GED?

5 years ago

Am from south Africa but i dont have a GED and thinking of studying in the U.S
Do u think i can get a school that can accept me?

4 years ago

I graduated from Mexico then came to America. After a few years I lost my diploma when I was moving. Can I still attend to beauty school without it?

4 years ago

I do not have a high school diploma and I want to enter a camel school. What do I do in this case? Are there schools that accept you to teach me without a high school diploma ?? If someone knows his school, he accepts without a certificate, and he tells me her name please

4 years ago

If i am in highschool and 16 in the summer can i go to nail school

4 years ago

Hello I’m very interested in learning how to do makeup also I was wondering I live in California do they have any schools near me R are they just online classes

Melia pinter
Melia pinter
4 years ago

What are some schools in Arizona that will accept me in while I’m doing the ged test because I am almost done with the test’s I was hoping for chandler area if not I can go thru the schools and just see which locations are around me ! Please and ThankYou !

Chris Pederson
Chris Pederson
4 years ago

I didn’t know that some beauty schools will enroll people without GEDs. My daughter has gone through a lot and wasn’t able to get hers. I’ll talk to her about getting a career in beauty school so she can make more money than working at where she currently is.

4 years ago

Where is this School located

Shirley m Inman
Shirley m Inman
4 years ago

Is there any beauty schools in Alabama that would except me with out a ged or high school diploma. I have done some research and it lead me here to this website. I want to go to school to be a eyelash technician in the state of Alabama u don’t have to have license but I can’t find a program to except me with out having any beauty school experience. I need some help here.

4 years ago

It’s just ridiculous the fact that you need a High School Diploma or GED to enter a Beauty School…unbelievable!

Iris I. Lima
Iris I. Lima
3 years ago

Hi I am in my 40s; I want to attend to a cosmetology school, but I don’t have my high school diploma, so I want to know if I still need to get my GED to be able to attend cosmetology school??
I live in Soledad california do you guys have something near me??

Heather Burns
Heather Burns
3 years ago

I would love to start school but I need to also take my GED so I can do cosmetology and I’m wondering can I do both and receive financial aid

anika fournier
anika fournier
3 years ago

Hi! so I didn’t graduate college and don’t have a GED and im 23, are you saying in order to get into a school for a esthetician license I have to get enrolled into GED classes first? or would some schools except without either?

3 years ago

I live in Michigan and are they saying I have to have my GED I’m 37 and I’ve always really had a passion for doing hair

Thomas Gooding
Thomas Gooding
3 years ago

I’m interested in becoming a barber

Fernande Fernande Tiba
Fernande Fernande Tiba
3 years ago

Please can you help me to find a makeup school in carrolton? Who accept students without GED?

2 years ago

Hello is there any school here in USA that offers GED in French??

2 years ago

I’m already 28 yrs old how can I do this while doing GED courses

Drea graham
Drea graham
2 years ago

Can they call and verify ged or diploma of I don’t have paper on hand?

Jayona vegas
Jayona vegas
2 years ago

If I have a Federal Charge can I still be a Cosmetologist. If I droped out of High school can I still Be on too.

1 year ago

How do I become a hair stylist in South Sudan?

Julianna Flores
Julianna Flores
1 year ago

So I only took my reading and history GED tests, but not the math or science one. Could I still get my state license? I found a school that would take me but I don’t wanna attend if I can’t legal preform services

1 year ago

Do I need A high school diploma or GED?

7 months ago

Do you still need a high school diploma or GED in NY to be eligible to take the licensing exam even after completing cosmetology school?