Guide to Getting Your Hair Done at a Beauty School in Renton, WA

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Some people can be a bit skeptical about the idea of getting their hair done at a beauty school. After all, getting your hair done is a big deal — what if there’s a problem? What if it doesn’t come out exactly how you want it? While these are obviously important questions to ask, the truth is that getting your hair done at a beauty school’s clinical salon is a great choice for a number of reasons. Here are the top benefits you might discover if you choose to get your hair done at a beauty school in Renton.

A better bang for your buck

One of the most defining characteristics of a beauty school salon is the fact that the experience is much cheaper than going to a traditional salon. It’s a way to thank you for letting the students get some experience with them — you could pay less than half of what you pay at a traditional salon. Plus, you’re also doing some good, helping a beauty school student to gain some truly priceless knowledge before they go out into the real world and work with clients in their own business.

Always get state-of-the-art products

Beauty schools are a hugely important training ground for the latest products and services, and beauty product suppliers are definitely aware of this. While some people worry that clinical salons will be stuck with “the leftovers,” that couldn’t be further from the truth— many beauty schools receive cutting-edge products from suppliers, so students will be more likely to purchase those products when they’re out on their own. That means you get to experience these great products while also saving money.

Qualified instructors are always watching

While a student will be the main person giving you treatment during your appointment, beauty schools don’t just let a student work on you with no oversight. The intention of a clinical salon is to allow a college’s students to learn and grow, but the only way to continue to learn is to make sure an expert is overseeing and ensuring they’re doing things correctly. There are qualified instructors supervising the students, and there to help students avoid mistakes, as well as fix any mistakes that might arise.

High level of hygiene and sanitation

One of the most important components of a beauty school student’s training is an understanding of hygiene and sanitation. None of these requirements are waived just because a salon is attached to a beauty school. In fact, it’s more important than ever, as it helps students remember all the important sanitation elements they need to keep in mind as they move forward. Many beauty schools pride themselves on how clean and hygienic they are.

Students have innovative ideas

If you’re not quite sure what style you’re looking for, a beauty school salon may be the perfect place for you to find this out. Students are known for having incredibly innovative ideas; they’re brand-new to the industry, which means they’re more likely to have their pulse on what’s new and trendy right now. If you want to make sure that your style is truly the talk of the town, a student may be the best way for you to get that great new idea.

Regular clients may qualify for a discount

Some beauty schools will offer special discounts or have memberships for clients who continually support them. Your local clinical salon may have some kind of official loyalty program, or it may just choose to give you special extras when they start getting to know you because of how frequently you come in. If you opt to be a hair model, you may also get discounted or free services. In general, the more your local beauty school knows you, the more likely you are to get even better deals.

Experience the joy of a beauty school student

advantages of beauty school hairstyling

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Beauty school students are young and aspiring cosmetologists who know how to make you look incredible. They’re full of fresh ideas, new concepts, and lots of energy. If you’re looking for a way to get your hair done, look great, and also pay a little bit less, check out the Renton location of Evergreen Beauty College and receive a great cut at a great price.

FAQ: Beauty school salons

How long do students have to practice before working at the beauty school salon?

This depends entirely on the salon in question. Beauty school salons will always put your health and safety first, so students usually won’t work in the salon — at least, not as a stylist — until they’ve taken hygiene and cleanliness classes. However, regardless of how long a student has been at the school before they give you a style, you can be sure their supervisor believes they’re capable of doing it well.

How many students work at a beauty school salon at once?

This depends not just on the specific clinical salon you go to but also on the time of day and even the time within the school semester you attend. Most beauty school salons will have a specific number of chairs, which will likely mark the high end of the clients they can take, but at times, you might find that only one or two people can get a treatment at the same time.

How many instructors are there at the beauty school salon?

This depends heavily on the salon you go to. Some locations may only have one supervisor on the floor at any given time, while others may have multiple teachers walking around to try and give feedback to as many students as possible. If you’re uncertain about supervisors being able to offer effective feedback, you may find it helpful to contact the clinical salon in advance and ask about their setup.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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7 months ago

I am looking for students who could perform hair extenso or keratein for their final project as I could not afford the real cost