How to Choose the Right Beauty School for Your Future Career

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As you’re preparing to enter the beauty industry, one of the first things you’ll need to do to set up a successful career is to choose the right beauty school. Many of your career opportunities will rely on you having a high-quality educational experience, and it’s important that you invest in this part of the process so you can get more in the future. Here are five questions to help you choose the right beauty school for your future.
1. Does the beauty school offer the program you’re looking for?
This should be one of the first things you look at if you’re planning out a cosmetology career. There are many careers in beauty out there, and your career path may necessitate a specific program. You may need a general cosmetology program, a program in nail technology, a makeup artistry program, or even a program geared toward future salon owners. The cosmetology industry caters to a wide variety of beauty professionals, and getting a quality education in beauty is possible for any of them.
2. Is the beauty school in a convenient location for you?
There are two primary questions to ask for this element. First of all, you want to make sure the beauty school is in the state you’re planning to build your career in cosmetology. Licensed cosmetologists can often transfer their licenses between states, but it may be expensive and time-consuming, so it’s best to get your license in whatever state you’re planning to practice in. Second, is it easy for you to actually attend the school in question? Is it near your home if you’re planning to go full-time? Is it in proximity to your workplace if you’re planning to go after you finish work? Make sure you settle these questions before you enroll.
3. What financial aid options are available for the beauty school?
Future beauty professionals may not have the money necessary to pay for beauty school upfront. This is why it’s a good idea to check out additional resources, like student support services, that can help you pay for your college experience. In order to offer federal financial aid, you will need to be attending an accredited cosmetology school, so checking to see whether a school is accredited can help. If you’re looking for financial aid to help you through comprehensive training, talk to the financial aid experts from your school.
4. What have other graduates said about the beauty school?
Future cosmetologists attend cosmetology schools every year; some have great experiences, and some do not. While a bad experience with a particular beauty school doesn’t necessarily mean it’s bad, learning more about other graduates’ experiences with a beauty school can be important for you to make an informed decision about whether it’s a good school to attend. Read through both success stories and stories that may be less flattering to decide whether this school is a good option.
5. Does the school offer a well-rounded education?
This can be a more difficult question to answer, but it’s important nonetheless. You should be gaining both technical and practical knowledge during your beauty school experience: you need to get hands-on training on mannequin heads to perfect your technique, but you also need real-world experience. Schools may also provide extra information, like career counseling, that can help you get a job once you graduate. Learning more about the general education available from a school can really help you succeed.
Find a beauty school that’s perfect for your future

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There are many beauty schools out there, and finding the right one is the perfect starting point for a great career. If you’re thinking about attending Evergreen Beauty College, schedule a tour today to start getting an idea of the school’s benefits and courses.
FAQ: How to Choose the Right Beauty School
How can I know if beauty school is right for me?
Different people are drawn to beauty school for different reasons. Check out this quiz from Evergreen Beauty College to determine if beauty school might be the right choice for you.
Does the label attached to the beauty school make a difference?
Some schools call themselves “hair schools,” “salon schools,” “cosmetology schools,” or “barbering schools.” These labels are not regulated; they’re just meant to give you a better idea of what education a specific school specializes in. You’ll want to look more into specific schools to learn what education options they offer.
How long will I have to spend in school before I can start working on my own?
It depends entirely on how much education you need to go through for your license, as well as whether you attend part-time or full-time. Usually, part-time studying takes about twice as long as full-time studying. Different courses will also take different amounts of time. Talk to your beauty school to learn more about how long their various programs take.