How to Dye Hair Naturally


Many people these days are turning to a more natural lifestyle and part of this is knowing how to dye hair naturally. Although turning to the services of your local trusted salon services can certainly steer one in the right direction. At times our hectic schedules doesn’t allow for a trip to your favorite stylist.

Dying  Hair Naturally

The truth is that there are things you can do to dye your hair. By looking at some of these different options you will be able to find something that will work for you.

Use Lemon Juice to Dye Hair Naturally

If you are looking to lighten your hair, then lemon juice may be the answer. This is because it has bleaching agents in it. The thing to keep in mind is that it will not guarantee blonde hair. Rather, it will lighten and may give red hues to your hair. The other thing to keep in mind with this is that you may have to use the lemon juice several times on your hair to get the look you want. To accelerate the lightening, it is helpful to go in the sun.

Another option for getting the light color in your hair is to use chamomile tea. This can help to lighten the hair and add highlights. Even yellow flowers, such as marigolds can be used to give golden highlights to your hair.

Use Tea to Dye Hair Naturally

When you want to make your hair darker naturally, then black tea is the way to go. To do this, you need to brew a very strong batch of tea and apply it to your hair. Make sure you allow the tea to cool before you apply it. You will want to leave this on your hair for at least one hour and then rinse with cool water. Do not wash your hair for 24 hours to allow the color to set. Keep in mind that coffee will work to naturally dye your hair just as tea will.

How to Get Red Hair

There are a few ways that you can create red hair naturally. One way is with paprika. You can make a paste of paprika and water or tea. You can even just mix it in with your tea to give more of an auburn look. Other options you can use include beet and carrot juice. Strawberry tea can also be used to give the beautiful red hues you are looking for.

There are many things you will want to think about when dying your hair naturally. The main thing to keep in mind is that you will need patience as this may take a few applications to get the right color. If you have gray or color resistant hair, use some sage tea as this will help to open up the hair shaft to accept the color. The nice thing is when you naturally dye your hair you do not have to worry about issues with chemicals, such as damage to the hair.

How Can Evergreen College Help

If you are looking to naturally color your hair for the upcoming Summer season, you’ll find yourself in amazing hands at Evergreen Beauty College. Our well trained students offer expertise salon services at a fraction of the price of other salons. Contact us today and begin your fabulous transformation.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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Kendra Crowther
Kendra Crowther
5 years ago

How do you apply it???