Raising Money For Breast Cancer Awareness Month
CEO Jim Yates from Nuts & Bolts Training Company along with Joe & Frank Trieu, owners of Evergreen Beauty College helped raised $4280 for Susan G. Komen and Rally for the Cure on October 12, 2012.
It was an amazing event for the first time for a great cause and feel it could be much larger the next year. Overall there were nearly 90 people that participated in this year’s golf tournament fundraiser held at Kaneohe Klipper – the military base golf course in Oahu, HI.
Along with this fundraiser, this month, at the Everett & Bellevue campuses for Evergreen Beauty College, they are selling pink ribbons along with giving prizes to guest each day for the month of October in hopes to raise more funds for this needed cause.
Schedule an appointment to tour our campus and meet and speak with our instructors.