Requirements for Cosmetology Instructors

The cosmetology industry has experienced exponential growth, even as the economy has hurt many other fields in recent years. With more people training to become hair stylists, estheticians and nail techs, cosmetology instructors are also in high demand. These licensed professionals undergo extra training in order to learn how to teach their trade to the next generation. Each state has its own requirements for becoming an instructor. There are some requirements, though, that are fairly common from state to state. For more information about your particular state, you can consult a local cosmetology school or your state’s board of cosmetology.

You Must Be a Licensed Cosmetologist

Before you can become a beauty school instructor, you first have to be a licensed cosmetologist yourself. You will need to hold a license in your field in the state where you are attending school, or another state with a reciprocity agreement for cosmetology licensing. In order to have earned this license, you will already have completed 1,200 to 1,800 hours of coursework. These hours will be partially completed in lecture-style classes and partially through hands on training at a beauty school salon on campus. You will also have already passed the state board exam, which is the final test to ensure you have all of the skills necessary to receive your license.

You Must Meet Minimum Work Experience Requirements

A cosmetologist must work in the industry with clients for a minimum number of hours before he or she is eligible to apply to become a cosmetology instructor. While this minimum can vary based on each state board, it is typically set at at-least 800 hours and six months. Some states may require up to five years of experience working hands-on with clients. By allowing only instructors with significant work experience in the field, the state cosmetology board is able to ensure all trainers have a thorough understanding of the industry.

You Must Complete Formal Training

Like your initial training in beauty school, you’ll need to complete additional coursework to become an instructor. Many cosmetology colleges offer special programs just for instructors. They vary in length based on each state’s requirements, but all teach generally the same things. While they do review basics of sanitation, safety and some techniques, most of these classes are focused on teaching methods. You’ll learn effective communication, grading and even to recognize and work with different learning styles.

Evergreen Beauty College offers a cosmetology instructor training program that meets all of the requirements to become an instructor in Washington. Contact us for more information about the training program, and how we can help you take the next step in your career.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

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