Top Five Beautician Classes for Prospective Students

There are a number of beautician classes for future professionals in the beauty field. Many class selections will depend primarily on the specialty chosen. Taking into consideration a variety of courses, however, can give a professional a broad base of knowledge that demonstrates a sense of expertise and puts clients at ease.

Hair Care

Hair stylists will naturally want to remain current with the latest styles, cuts, and cutting techniques. With a solid education in general hair care, however, a professional will be sure to understand the basics of how hair behaves and why. This can help a stylist to adapt quickly and adequately to new styles and trends. Students can learn about a variety of hair care topics.

  • Hair Textures
  • Chemical Treatments
  • Ethnic Hair Styles and Treatments

No matter the specialty a beauty professional chooses, it is important to understand how the industry works. When a beautician understands the industry and how businesses operate within it, they are better able to adapt to industry demands and conditions. The reality of product sales, product trends and businesses decisions can help professionals to remain competitive and profitable throughout industry changes.

Hair Coloring

Trends with hair color choices come and go, but when a beauty expert understands the basics, it is easier to move with those trends. Many clients will want a color treatment of some sort, no matter the exact trends that help to shape their choices. Understanding how colors will look on particular types and shades of hair can help professionals to adapt to changing trends.

Facial and Skin Care Beautician Classes

It is not unusual for a client to ask about facial care products or techniques when in the salon for a new hair style. When a professional beautician can provide expert guidance, it creates confidence that can result in a repeat customer. Clients want to look their best, and they will naturally turn to the person who understands beauty.

Nail care is growing in the beauty industry, and being prepared for that can bolster a beautician’s resume. It can also prepare a professional for further advancement in the industry, such as preparing for salon management or ownership. Understanding this lucrative aspect of the industry is an asset to anyone working in it.

It is a good idea to explore the recommended courses in any program. A professional who is well rounded will find a wider variety of career opportunities. A mentor or advisor can provide some guidance, and can also help you choose beautician classes that best suits your interests.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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