Why You May Want To Consider Becoming A Cosmetology Apprentice

Those who have graduated beauty college, gotten their certificate and have passed their license exam, should consider a cosmetology apprenticeship with a prominent salon in your area. While most newly licensed cosmetologists decide to bite the bullet and open their own shop right away, it would make more sense to work for a larger establishment, to absorb more knowledge and techniques.

Becoming A Cosmetology Apprentice

Here are some reasons why you should consider this as your first step to the path of success:

Make Money Without Overhead Costs

Becoming an apprentice will allow you to make money and save up for your future establishment. While others want to start setting up their own brand, they will have to take out a larger financial loan, as being a fresh graduate, one would not have ample finances to spare. Consider the cost of the basic equipment alone. You will need to pay for rent as well and restock your supplies. You will hardly be able to pay for your basic needs if you decide to open your salon right away. Therefore, unless you have a large trust fund, consider becoming an apprentice first.

Learn From Experts

Just like fashion, not everything in cosmetology needs to be done by the book. Therefore, your new employer might have important tricks and tips that will help you improve your workmanship. These little tweaks may be what you need to become a popular cosmetologist. Once again, whether you have money or not, apprenticeship is a good idea.

Meet Your Colleagues

Since networking is needed to ensure your success in the beauty industry, work experience for a large establishment will help you improve your network. This will improve your earning potential in the future. Aside from that, you can use this opportunity to recruit future employees, be it people who have decided to leave your current workplace or friends of your friends. This is one main reason why a cosmetology apprenticeship is good career move.

Advertise Your Capabilities

Consider this your official debut into the business. Show your new colleagues and clients what you are capable of. This acts as an advertisement of sorts, as it will make you more visible. If you decided to start up your business right away, you would have a harder time amassing an acceptable client base. When you decide to work on your own after your stint as an apprentice, you will realize just how many clients want to become regular patrons of your establishment.

However, to obtain a position as an apprentice at a prominent establishment, you have to have the right credentials. Enroll at the Evergreen Beauty College to receive the best training. Once you complete their course and pass your licensing exam, it will be easier to find a job as a cosmetic apprentice at a popular establishment in your area.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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