Cosmetology Student Success Story: Christina Barger
Our Renton campus recognized Ms. Christina Barger this past month for going above and beyond in building her business. Ms. Christina has overcome obstacles in her past but has turned those into fuel as she steps into a different journey making a difference to those around her.
About Christina Barger
Christina has been in the industry before and shares with us her journey and why she chose to step back into the beauty world, “As a newly divorced single mom of 4 I knew it would be a challenge going back to school, but that was nothing new and at that point I was ready. As for what I have done prior to enrolling in school? Well, I’m an army veteran, I also have a certificate in culinary and cake decorating, later I switched to beauty and became a nail tech and ventured into skin care and color cosmetics. After leaving an abusive marriage, I’m re discovering myself and my love of empowering others to live their best lives also. I’m loving that I get to be creative and make people feel great by being in the cosmetology field,” shares Christina.
“When it came time to start looking into schools, I felt I would receive the best all around education at Evergreen Beauty College. I wanted to learn everything and not just focus on one area and their curriculum caters to that want. Evergreen also works with the VA benefits for tuition which were important to me in picking a school. These areas all factored into choosing Evergreen over other schools,” states Christina.
The Evergreen Experience 
Since starting the cosmetology program with us Ms. Christina has shared some of her highlights of what she has enjoyed, what has helped her so far and what sets her apart from other cosmetologist:
“I love everything about my cosmetology program! With that being said, I have the most fun with color and mid to short length hair cuts. The best feeling is when you can make someone’s day just by doing their hair. Being able to make major transformations for them is always fun and what I would say a specialty of mine is.”
“I love creating artistically with my hands so hands on demos have been the assignments that have been the most helpful to me in school and what I have enjoyed the most so far.”
“As for what sets me apart from other cosmetologist? That would have to be the ability to have an open mind and always being open to try new colors, cuts or techniques. My willingness to try things outside the box because I love the challenge all while still being able to have fun with my clients,” shares Christina.
The Next Step 
As Christina is moving into the last half of her cosmetology program we asked what was next after school and her response: “I have a short list of salons that I would love to work with. All of them have amazing continuing education training and opportunity for growth within the company. Each of which I can build an amazing clientele with.”
“For those coming through Evergreen’s doors next, I’d like to offer some advice, and that advice is to follow your passion. If you have fun being artistic and making people feel great then take the leap and work hard for it”, offered Christina.
Ms. Christina graduates this next year, July 2019 and what better way to support her other than to stop in and see her at our Renton campus! And if you are interested in continuing to follow Christina throughout her cosmetology program, you can check her out on Instagram: @cmbeehair . Congrats Ms. Christina, Evergreen hopes your journey to empower and make others feel beautiful continues to lead your life to be just as rewarding to you as it is for you to give to others!
If you are interested in pursuing a career in the beauty industry take the Beauty Biz Readiness Quiz, you can also check out our programs or contact us at one of our five locations: Everett, Renton, Shoreline, Yakima, and soon to be Mt. Vernon as well.
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