Cosmetology Student Success story: Morgan Conner
Congratulations to Ms. Morgan Conner; a.k.a. Mo, for taking home the student success story for our Bellevue location! Although Morgan hasn’t been in school long, she has shown how much she is driven right from the start. Ms. Morgan has taken to social media and sharing all the amazing things she is learning in beauty school at Evergreen. I’m super excited to share a portions on Mo’s success with you, so lets get to it!
About Morgan
Morgan hasn’t always followed the path of the beauty industry and had actually been in the service industry in another avenue before enrollment at Evergreen. “I was working at the YMCA in member engagement and also at an equine veterinary hospital,” says Morgan. No stranger to customer service and taking care of others in her past jobs, so why the change? “I chose cosmetology school because I’ve always had some interest in it and the opportunity for me to go came up so I took the chance.” Making that first step is all it takes, and look at Morgan now, she is starting her beauty career by utilizing the most effective way to her potential clients: social media. January proved this by dominating the Digital Marketing award. Posting pictures to the boomerang video clips that are the new trendy way to post on social media, oh, and lets not forget about those FILTERS! Morgan has defiantly kept her followers engaged as she continues to post her work.
The Evergreen Experience 
Some future professionals find their likes in one area over another in their craft as soon as they hit the salon floor, but Mo is still keeping her vision more broad. “I don’t have a specialty yet. I love all things so far and would like to excel in more than one [area],” Morgan shared. If you had to pick an area of the cosmetology program that you have enjoyed learning the most so far, which would it be? “I would have to say color is my favorite so far. I love how creative it is. I [also] get to put a little bit of myself [into] each persons style.”
Morgan has enjoyed all aspects of school so far and has really found some of the business program Evergreen offers to have been most the helpful. “I would say the assignment for making a cover letter has been very helpful seeing as it is something I am going to need [after I graduate],” says Morgan. After being apart of Evergreen for years, one thing I have heard countless times is the excitement to have a business program geared toward the beauty industry. Many future professionals have never really needed a cover letter or resume up to the point of enrolling into beauty school. Morgan is already learning the skills of creating and perfecting hers, making an easier transition from future graduate to successful cosmetologist.
The Next Step 
“My career plans are to work for a salon in the area and later down the road I would like to work for a color line like Redken or many others.” Future professionals don’t always look outside the treatment room or station for possible jobs in the industry but Morgan has her eyes fixed on a biggerr goal. To work for an actual color line is a choice that can lead to great possibilities and advance opportunities for her down the line.
“I chose evergreen because I really liked the vibe I got when I met the staff, the teachers and the other students. Everyone is very supportive and willing to help me on my journey. My advice [to others] would be to keep an open mind and to remember why you started this journey,” Morgan shared. It can be easy to loose sight of your goals if you aren’t clear of what they entail before starting. If you come in expecting a frame of thought to be handed to you, you can often give yourself false hope. Morgan has her goals set out for her, and knows that reminding herself of why she started her journey in the first place will keep her trudging along the path she has set into place. Evergreen can not wait to see the success you conjure up Morgan!
Ms. Morgan graduates in November 2018 and what better way to support her other than to come and get your beauty goals met by her at our Bellevue campus! And if you are interested in continuing to follow Morgan on her beauty school journey, you can also check her out on Instagram @mo_beautifulz. Congratulations Morgan. You are on your way to do some amazing things in the beauty industry!
If you are interested in pursuing a career in the beauty industry take the Beauty Biz Readiness Quiz, you can also check out our programs or contact us at one of our three locations: Everett, Renton or Yakima
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