Cosmetology Student Success Story: Tegan Snyder
It isn’t every day I get to write about the success of a veteran. From strict regulation to creative beauty, what a career change! Ms. Tegan Synder has grown so much within the field of beauty, and it has been exciting to witness. I love walking through the campus and seeing Tegan hard at work; either with clients or on her mannequins. Maybe it’s the structure and follow through learned from her past career in the Marine Corp, or the learning of successful tendencies picked up along the way, either way Tegan has the dedication and commitment to follow through on any ideas that may spring to her mind no matter the difficulty.
About Tegan 
So why beauty school? Tegan shares, “I chose to come to cosmetology school because I have always loved playing with my own hair and experimenting. I love the creative aspect of doing hair, whether it’s coloring, cutting or styling.” Although career paths may have been polar opposites, that didn’t stop Ms. Tegan from following her passion with hair. “Before I came to school I served 5 years active duty in the Marine Corps,” Tegan shared. Now that’s dedication! A dedication and accountability Tegan will be able to pass on to her building clientele and will only aid in the future success she already exudes on the salon floor. Ms. Tegan fits right in with Evergreen’s culture and we’re excited she decided to share her journey with us, but why Evergreen? “I chose EBC because I really enjoyed the environment. I like the fact that it is a family business and that the owners spend time here at the school and we have the chance to build a relationship with them. I really liked the fact that EBC teaches you the business side of running a salon with the Nuts and Bolts program.” A main focus for the Trieu family is to guide future professionals with all they need to be successful, which is why they whole heartedly believe in a business program directed toward this industry.
The Evergreen Experience
>As Ms. Tegan has transitioned to the clinic floor and has experienced different learning opportunities in beauty school, some have been more helpful than others, “I think the most helpful assignment has been walk in clients. It’s helpful because you don’t know what it is they are wanting ahead of time. So you then have to ensure you ask all the right questions in order to reach the outcome the client is looking for. It helps ensure we have a detailed consultation.” As for what sets her apart from the stylist across from her you ask? “What sets me apart is that I make sure to have detailed consults to reach the best possible outcome. I listen to clients and interpret their requests and ask questions to ensure the client and I are on the same page before starting a service. I ask questions during the service as well to ensure things are correct and the client doesn’t want to make changes mid service.” One area EBC really focuses on is the importance of a proper and thorough consultation to every guest, every time. It assures not only the client but the student that they are on the right path. “I will listen to you and do my best to provide the hair styling results you request. I will let you know my opinion on what will look best on you and let you know how your desired [look] is possible [and in] the healthiest way for your hair,” Tegan ended. Tegan wants to have a client leave happy with what they want, the first time and does all she can to ensure just that. Other than a thorough consultation Ms. Tegan specializes in that creative side her passion can offer. “I believe that my strengths include styling and updo’s. I enjoy finding hair style ideas on Pinterest and challenging myself to recreate them.” If you have not had the chance to scroll Tegan Instagram @pnw.semperfi.styles , I would encourage you to hop on over whenever you need a detail design to wear out. Ms. Tegan is that stylist that can recreate the look you scrolled past while on your social media accounts. You want it, Tegan can create it!
The Next Step 
Graduation always arrives fast once our future professional start taking clients on the salon floor, so what is next after school for Tegan? “After graduation I plan on working at a salon in order to build up my clientele. Eventual in the future I would like to open my own business,” Tegan shared. Evergreen looks forward to the day you take on a salon of your own Tegan. Make sure to come back to where it all began to share hands on demonstrations or guest speak on all the creative updo’s and styles you create along the way.
Any advice for those future cosmetologist students looking to embark on their journey as you had once done? Especially to those that want to make that big career adjustment? “Jump in! Your future starts today. Why put something off for later when you can start today? This is am amazing school with amazing programs and everyone is always willing to help each other out. Take pictures of your work. Not only does it help show perspective clients your work but it also shows how your work has progressed from when you started to when you graduate.” Great advice Tegan! You can never reflect along your path if you do not remember where you once started!
Tegan is set to graduate in October 2018 and what better way to support her other than to come and get a service done from her at our Everett campus! And if you are interested in continuing to follow Tegan on her beauty school journey, you can also check her out on Instagram @pnw.semperfi.styles or facebook @tegan.snyder . Congrats Tegan. You are on your way to do some amazing, creative things in the beauty industry!
If you are interested in pursuing a career in the beauty industry take the Beauty Biz Readiness Quiz, you can also check out our programs or contact us at one of our five locations: Everett, Renton, Shoreline, Yakima, and Mt. Vernon.
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