Advanced Techniques for Coloring Hair

Hair coloring techniques today are driven by technical breakthroughs in the formulation of hair color as well as by demands of the customers. Customer demands for advanced coloring techniques tend to be of two types.

On the one hand, there are customers who demand a very natural hair color while there are other customers who like to push the fashion envelope and wear very exotic color combinations that are obviously not natural at all.

Hairstylists who wish to have a successful business must learn to cater to both of these very opposite demands. In general, the clients who request a very natural hair color are more likely to be women who have started to develop grey hairs and who wish to return their hair to a more youthful appearance. Those who wish to have very unusual and exotic hair colors are more likely to be young and fashion conscious women and men.

Clients are Demanding Exciting Red Hair Color

One increasingly popular request that is being demanded by many clients is a vibrant red. To create an exciting red hair color will require several advanced steps to color hair.

If the hair has been pre-lightened in the past, it is important to first add protein to the hair with an intensive heat-based conditioner. This step will allow the hair to absorb the new color properly. Some hairdressers prefer to add color to damp hair while others prefer applying color to dry hair.

Use Intensifiers and Concentrates to Color Hair

When the color is being mixed, the stylist must measure the amounts of the ingredients such as the developer very carefully. When the desired result is a very deep, bright, yet believable red, the use of intensifiers will add vibrancy to the final color. Intensifiers should always be used with red hair whether the desired color is copper or mahogany. Adding concentrates also helps to create the desired result.

Alternate Bright and Deep Red to Color Hair

Foils will be applied to the hair in order to create the most exciting effect. The bright red is applied to the hair in the foiled areas while the hair that was not colored with the foils will be colored with a dark mahogany color. This will create a look of great depth when the final results are achieved.

After a period of about ten minutes, the color will be rinsed off. At this time it will be necessary to apply additional conditioner to the hair to ensure that the protein levels are as high as possible.

Spray gel can be applied at the end to create volume, shine, and hold. The end result is a bright and vibrant color that also looks believable and natural.

Upgrade Your Skills For Applying Hair Color

Any hairstylist who wishes to learn more advanced techniques to color hair will benefit from attending a reputable beauty school such as our Evergreen Beauty school. Contact us today and learn about the course requirements for various beauty courses.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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