Beauty in the News!

The world of beauty moves at a lightning-fast pace, so it’s important to stay abreast of all the news as it happens! In the past couple months we’ve seen some remarkable news stories around cosmetology and barbering, and we wanted to share some of them on our blog for you to read. Articles like these are very exciting for us because it demonstrates the power of beauty and the impact it can have on the world!

Seattle Wages Boom

Thanks in large part to Amazon’s headquarters, the economy in the Seattle area over the last year has been good! A long list of occupations saw an increase in both jobs available and average annual income. Cosmetology is part of that list!

Demand for cosmetologists and barbers is projected to increase over the next several years, so if you’re looking for a possible career for yourself, cosmetology could be right for you!

Shekinah Beauty Salon

Lurissa Lawson of Albany, NY tells her inspiring story of how she got started in cosmetology and how she has used that education to open new opportunities for herself and her family. She took cosmetology courses in high school and raised her family on her career as a cosmetologist, and once her kids left for college, she opened up Shekinah Beauty Salon to create a unique salon experience that’s different from the rest! We love this story because it shows just how much you can accomplish if you want to.

Cosmetologists Spot Domestic Abuse

Hairstylists and barbers are often trusted by their clients. When someone gets a haircut, they are placing their trust in the stylist that the outcome will look good and they’ll be happy with it. Sometimes clients open up their trust to the point that they are sharing about personal experiences. Cosmetologists learn to spot the signs of domestic abuse so they can help their clients if they have the opportunity to do so! Cosmetology isn’t just a job, but it’s a way of life that can dramatically touch the lives of people everywhere!

It’s easy to forget that imprisonment is designed to be an opportunity for inmates to improve and reform before being released again into society. At one large prison in California, inmates are given the chance to take cosmetology courses with the goal to pass the state licensing exam. For these inmates cosmetology feels like a ray of hope! The story is inspiring to read because the inmates have a renewed hope and drive to improve themselves, and the cosmetology instructors have the opportunity to dramatically improve the lives of the inmates.


Make Your Own Future!

These news articles affirm to us that the beauty industry can be an amazing place to make your mark on the world! We love what we do every day, and we’re so proud of the students that we teach. Are you interested in building an inspiring future for yourself? Schedule a tour for more information on how a career in cosmetology could be perfect for you!

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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