Digital Marketing Award : Hannah Rudd



Evergreen Beauty College is a school prided on the close-knit culture of our students; and the investment that our staff makes in the personal success of each of our students.

We seek to train our students in preparation for every facet of the industry that they will be venturing into for work.

As such, our students are encouraged to work dutifully throughout their time in the program to build both a stable book of business and their professional brand.

For the month of July we would like to highlight cosmetology student Hannah Rudd for the Evergreen Digital Marketing Award!

Thank you for your hard work and dedication!

About Hannah

From a young age, Hannah was fascinated by hairstyling. Her mother had several friends who were cosmetologists and it was when they style Hannah and her mother that she caught the hairstylin’ fever.

Following high school, Hannah worked as a hostess, and though she knew it wasn’t her career dream she did love getting to interact with so many people.

“Before high school graduation, I wanted to either go into the navy or go to school for cosmetology.” said Hannah “I wasn’t able to join the navy at the time because of a small tattoo that wasn’t allowed back then. It was a blessing because I have been given the opportunity to explore my true passion, Cosmetology. “

Though she experienced a few struggles on the way, Hannah said her boyfriend and his family have been some of the driving support in her decision to attend school.

“His mom really gave me the push to go and was really compassionate about my passions and offered to support me in any way she could during the process.” said Hannah.

Hannah says her favorite thing about cosmetology and her journey the is the creative freedom to learn.

“I have opportunities to learn a new balayage technique or take on something I’ve never done before because I have educators and staff at Evergreen who are so supportive.” Hannah said.


Hannah mentioned that aside from loving the art of cosmetology, she genuinely enjoys being at school and around her peers

“The Trieu family are such amazing owners, they care so much and I really feel like it’s such a unique experience because you really don’t get that just anywhere. Evergreen is a family and I loved it since my first time in the school.” said Hannah.

Hannah said that during her tour of Evergreen, what made her feel at home was the greeting from Campus Director, Lauren.

“She walked up to me and gave me a hug, and my experience in school has been great.” she said.

The Evergreen Experience

Hannah said that throughout her time with Evergreen she has been thankful for the support of her instructors and their desire to help her succeed.

“During my time in back class, Ms. Felicia really pushed me to learn and that really instilled confidence in myself before I hit the floor and took clients. And when I did hit the salon floor, Ms. Kylie, was always there when I needed her.” said Hannah about her transition from the classroom to the salon floor.

Hannah recalled a time that she struggled significantly with technique and began to doubt her skills and abilities in the field.

“We learned convex layering (i.e. Justin Bieber’s haircut), and it was so difficult. I struggled to get the cut right and it would look like a mullet instead. There were a lot of times where I felt like I would just butcher people’s hair and that I couldn’t do it but my educator Felicia wouldn’t let me give up and she never gave up on me even when I gave up on myself.” said Hannah.

Now that Hannah is on the salon floor, she’s had the chance to develop her skills further and even performed a great perm on a client when she had previously battled the rolling technique.

rudd_6Though cutting and styling are fun, Hannah says her favorite service to perform is color.

“I literally dream of balayages” she said.

Hannah added that her favorite part is actually seeing how excited her clients are when see the results.

“When I see their face light up when they see the results I made, it’s so heartwarming because I did that. I also love fashion colors and the freedom of mixing and formulating colors is the best.” she said.

Hannah said that her approach to clients is unique because she works to make a connection with them at the beginning.

“I find something I like about you and point it out so that we can connect and my clients are comfortable with me right away. I have a big personality and I always get excited when clients come into my chair because I know they’ll leave loving the results.” said Hannah.

The Next Step

Hannah said that her goals for the next 5 years include doing makeup for a theater or film production company. “On top of that I also want to be a colorist on the side. I definitely want to expand on my make-up artistry skills after graduation.” said Hannah.

Hannah encourages other students to keep an open mind, especially during Phase I and to remember that there is a learning curve for the this industry.

“It can kind of suck at times too because you’re learning things from scratch, but when you’re on the salon floor you’ll be able to see your skills build and see the results of what you can do.” said Hannah  “Learning the basics is always going to be hard but if you strive through, learn the basics, build on top of your knowledge because you will get better and better, that will set you apart from being a good stylist to a great stylist – and that growth is such an amazing feeling.”

Hannah also promotes herself by keeping business cards handy when she’s out in public and working to foster a client network.

“Don’t be afraid to approach people and generate a conversation, you never know what might come of it” said Hannah.

Schedule an appointment with Hannah at the Everett location, or follow her on Instagram: @hanchanowitsbeauty

Do you have a love for styling and people too? Call and speak with an admissions representative to get started!

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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