How to Prepare for an Esthetician Job Interview

Once you graduate from a health or beauty school and are hoping to make the splash into a career, you first have to interview for an esthetician job and impress your potential employer enough to get a position.  The good news is that having a successful interview is much easier than you might think, provided that you do a little bit of practice beforehand.

This may seem like an obvious point, but nobody is going to successfully interview for a position that they are not qualified to fill.  An esthetician must first graduate from a health and beauty college and pass whatever examinations are necessary to prove that they have completed their studies.  After that, most states require licensing in order to be able to practice treatments like massage therapy, so gaining a state licensure is the next big step.  After that, find out whether you need to be certified or bonded, or if an employer will cover that.

How to Prepare for an Esthetician Job Interview

Before you ever apply to a job opening, you need to craft a resume.  Brevity can go a long way in any resume, so try to keep your education, qualifications, and skills in a page or so in order to keep an employer from having to read on and on in order to determine whether or not you are a good fit.  Do not put job experience that is not relevant, such as the times that you have spent at a fast-food restaurant in high school.

Fill Applications

There is no rule about how many companies or salons or beauty parlors you should apply to if you want to be employed, but in a sluggish economy you should expect to send out at least a dozen or so before you will get a phone call.  Do not think that your dream job will automatically take you.  Make sure you fill out all the information, especially the contact information, and leave nothing blank.

Practice Makes Perfect

Think about what questions an interviewer would ask you.  What are your strengths and weaknesses, what did you learn in school, why do you want to pursue this line of work?  Come up with answers that sound natural and persuasive, so that you do not stumble in the course of an interview.  Be honest, but do not be honest to the point where it is obvious that your flaws are magnified.

Show Them How It Works

Offer a hands-on demonstration of your greatest skill.  Many employers like to see your skills in action, so they will set up a demonstration.  Whether you are best at facials or makeup or nails, put your best effort into a demonstration and appear professional and confident about the process.

If you are looking to start a career as an esthetician, you’ll find yourself in great hands at Evergreen Beauty College. Our accredited institution offers students access to the most cutting edge and current techniques used in the beauty world today. If you are looking to enroll in a cosmetology course, contact us.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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