How to Transition from Beauty School to an Entry Level Cosmetology Job

Even armed with a cosmetology license and expertise, some fresh beauty school graduates still have a hard time transitioning from school to a part time or full time job. However, even if you are a fresh graduate it is possible to get your cosmetology career into full swing and use your skills to provide clients with excellent service without any hiccups. You can ease your transition from beauty school to an entry level cosmetology job by doing the following:

Continuing on the Learning Path

The fact that you are a beauty school graduate does not mean that you do not need to learn any more beauty care skills. In fact, there is a lot about the cosmetology industry you need to learn in your entry level job so that you are able to provide excellent service. As such, once you find a job, seek out mentors at your workplace who can help you hone your skills. You should also consider taking specialized or advanced courses in your area of work in order to learn the most recent trends in the beauty care industry. At Evergreen Beauty College, our hands-on instructors offer lessons on the newest techniques in various cosmetology professions.

Understanding Your Limits

As a new employee in an entry level cosmetology, you may feel that you need to prove how skilled you are in handling all types of services offered at your place of work in order to keep your job. You may also avoid asking your more experienced colleagues questions about how to perform various services. However, you need to be realistic. It is better to admit that you do not have the skills or experiences required to offer a certain service instead of attempting to perform a risky task without the necessary expertise. As you learn more on the job, you offer to take on more responsibilities.

Acting Professionally

Once you start working, you need to learn how to carry yourself in a professional manner. This is because anything you do or say may create a lasting impression in the minds of your coworkers and clients. If this impression is negative, it may affect your ability to build your own client base and may ultimately lead to the loss of your job.

Learning How to Read People

As a cosmetologist, you need to learn to read your client’s moods in order to offer great service. Some people who visit beauty salons want to relax while others want to chat to relieve stress. Know what type of client you have to avoid chatting away when all your client wants is some quiet time or failing to engage in conversation when your client wants to talk.

Finally, if you want to succeed in your entry level job and rise through the cosmetology career ladder, you need to learn how to market yourself effectively.  Most employers in the cosmetology industry expect new employees to build their own clientele. You should be proactive and use marketing strategies such as asking clients to make referrals and offering new client discounts in order to attract clients.

Contact us for more information on how you can begin your journey as a beauty student.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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