New Testing Vendor in Washington State … What now?


As the Vice President of Business Development and Industry Relations, I felt it is important to pass along the information for those who could not make it to the state test overview meeting last weekend.  This meeting was hosted by the new testing vendor who will administer the written and practical for beauty school graduates in Washington State.

We had a group of Evergreen Beauty College educators and directors at the state meeting to understand the changes in testing for our students. Below are some FAQ regarding the new testing environment.  Feel free to contact directly to your schools for any questions, or comment below.

Why the new testing vendor?

There has been a lot of conversations regarding the new testing vendor in Washington State.  For years, Ergometrics was the exam vendor.   They provided testing services for students preparing for licensure in Cosmetology, Barbering, Master Esthetics, Esthetics, Manicuring and Instructor Training.

As part of the regulatory process, the Washington State Department of Licensing (DOL) conducts a Request for Proposal (RFP) to see if other vendors would like to bid for the service.    This past year, the DOL selected a new vendor.   As of November 1, 2016, the State of Washington Department of Licensing will change testing vendors to DL Roope Administration Inc.   Because vendors have changed, so will processing and pricing.

What are some of the changes? 

In addition to different registration processes, students will have slightly different testing evaluations and criteria.   On Sunday, September 25, 2016, a session was held by the National Interstate Council of State Boards of Cosmetology (NIC) to review an Overview Program which included specific changes in the test. There were a number of faculty and schools that were in attendance.   At that meeting, a number of new testing criteria were reviewed and also the new pricing was introduced.

How will testing be interrupted for students that are in this transition?   

Students that are currently registered for the exams with Erogmetrics will complete their exams with Erogmetrics.  If a student misses their exam, fails or is required to re-take the exam, most likely they will be required to take the new exam if they are not able to complete it by October 31st, 2016.

Students need to be aware that there are limited testing during this period of transition by the current testing vendor.  On October 17th, 2016, students will be able to register to take the new exam on or before November 1st, 2016.

How has pricing changed?

Examinations fees have significantly increased.   Students need to be prepared to pay higher exam fees.

New Exam fees and licensing fees are below and may be paid with any debit or credit card through a secure payment processing service.

Examination fees are as follows:

Barber, Cosmetologist, Esthetician, Hair Design, Master Esthetician, Nail Technician (Manicurist) & Instructor:

Practical Exam Fee  $114.00

Written Exam Fee ~ $180.00

Combined Esthetician (Includes Esthetician and Master Esthetician Combined)

Practical Exam Fee  $228.00

Written Exam Fee Combined $270.00

Licensing fees are as follows (Paid after passing both examinations):

License Fee  $30.00 (Includes a $5.00 processing fee.)    

There is a credit card processing fee of $8.00 per examination.

The reason shared for the significant increase in licensing fees are because of increase security measures that the State of Washington is now requiring to prevent fraud.   DL Roope also shared that these fee increase are also attributed to construction and purchasing of the new testing sites.   Unfortunately, these fees are not negotiable, and is determined by the testing vendor.

As a currently enrolled student, can I be grandfathered into the old pricing?  

The pricing is set by the testing vendor, not the school that you enrolled in.   Testing fees are charged to the student and no grandfathering pricing is in place.

What languages can test be taken in?

The practical examination is only offered in English. The written examination is offered in English, Korean, Spanish and Vietnamese. You will select the language preference for your written examination when you apply for the examination. If you prefer your written examination in a language other than those listed above, submit your request for use of a dictionary during your examination to [email protected]. Requests must be made and approved prior to scheduling your written examination. You will be notified of the result of your request.

How do I apply for accommodations for a disability?

Candidates that have a disability and require accommodations may request the required forms from their school or contact D.L. Roope Administrations Inc. All requests for accommodations must be submitted with the application by the deadline date for review.

Where do I go if I have more questions? 

There are many resources that are available to you including your school, the Washington Department of Licensing, and DL Roope and Associates.  Remember, changes in vendors do have hiccups and do your best to keep a good attitude.   If you are a student, you have worked hard to get to this point so continue to focus on your exam, do your best and get ready for a wonderful career in the beauty industry!

The answers above were shared during state meetings, overview meeting, along with information on the DL Roope website.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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Maksym Bilan
Maksym Bilan
4 years ago

Hello! I`m wondering if i could take written exam in Russian language? Thank you!

Salma clegern
Salma clegern
3 years ago

Hi Frank,
My name is Salma Clegern I’m wondering if I could take a written exam in Farsi. by the way, I graduated from evergreen beauty college in Everett in couple of months ago and I meet you there and your mom. Anyways my date state board exam on September 20th.

Salma clegern
Salma clegern
3 years ago

Thank you so much for your response me back. OK sounds great please let me know if they except for the Paris translator.