Should I Enroll in Cosmetology School or a Four-Year College?

Cosmetology student taking notes from teacher

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Hairstylists and makeup artists require a specific talent to be successful in their careers. If styling hair or applying makeup has always come naturally to you, going to cosmetology school after graduating from high school may seem like an obvious choice. However, as you listen to your friends talk about preparing for college and deciding on their degree, you may begin to have second thoughts regarding enrolling in beauty school.

Should I Do Beauty School or College?

When deciding whether to go to beauty school or a four-year college, there are a few questions you should ask yourself. While attending cosmetology school may help you jumpstart your career much faster and costs less, earning a degree could provide you with more employment options and the opportunity to earn a higher salary.

What Are You Passionate About?

Studying something you are passionate about helps eliminate some of the stress from your classwork and exams. You are less likely to become bored and will even look forward to going to class when you learn something you love. The same goes for when you enter the workforce. When you enjoy your career, going to work each day will seem like less of a struggle.

That’s why it’s a good idea to find out what you are genuinely passionate about before you decide on attending cosmetology school or a four-year college. You may enjoy styling your friend’s hair, but is that something you would be interested in doing every day for the next several years? At the same time, attending cosmetology school and getting a job as a hairdresser or makeup artist could provide you with a stable income as you work on attending a four-year college and your long-term career goals.

What Career Options Are Available in Your Area?

Some towns and communities may have a great need for more beauticians and cosmetologists, while in other areas, the career options for those completing beauty school may be scarce. If you are not planning to relocate, you will need to learn more about the career options available in your area. Many schools, including beauty schools and four-year universities, will have advisors to help ensure student success after they graduate or complete a program. Contacting these advisors to find out about what career options are available in your area before you enroll could be beneficial in making your decision.

How Soon Could I Start Working?

Many people who have an interest in cosmetology choose to go to beauty school because they can enter the workforce much faster. Most of the programs only take a couple of months to 1 year to complete, and some include the hours of training required for a state license.

If you aren’t interested in starting your career so quickly, going to a four-year college may be a better option. However, keep in mind that it can be challenging to determine what the job outlook will be within four years for some industries.

Four-Year College vs. Cosmetology School Tuition

The cost to attend cosmetology school vs. a four-year college can also be a deciding factor. Because there is no degree involved and the programs do not take as long to complete, it costs much less to attend cosmetology school than a four-year college.

You can apply for federal aid to pay for your cosmetology school expenses just as you would for college. Some students choose to do both, earning a cosmetology license to start their careers, which provides them with an income to help pay their tuition for college.

Cosmetology student asking questions

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Learn More About Local Cosmetology School Programs

Evergreen Beauty College can help you achieve your dreams as you receive the training you need to become a professional cosmetologist within just a few months. Get in touch with us today to schedule a tour or learn more about our financial aid options at one of our nearby locations.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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