Understanding the Mysteries to Beautiful Hair Design

hair designJumping directly into creating hairstyles without learning the basics is a quick way to fail as a hairdresser. Mistakes made in this career are not easy to hide and lead to customer dissatisfaction. The fundamentals of good hairstyling include shape, balance, and understanding different textures of hair. Once a stylist has learned these skills from a credible beauty school, the possibilities for creative hairstyles are endless. Any good stylist would know to use good judgment and rely on their styling tools.

Beauty Schools

Students in beauty school must have good study skills and remember to be patient as they learn to avoid unnecessary mistakes. It is important that they remain focused and keep up with the changing trends of fashion. A successful student will analyze their clients and make good decisions that best fit the client. Learning how to match a specific style with a face shape helps the hairstylist to avoid needless mistakes. An inexperienced stylish would pair the wrong haircut with the wrong face shape. The outcome is that it looks terrible on the client. While it may not seem like a big deal, the importance matters more for the client.

What you can Learn in a Beauty School

Beauty school also teaches students to understand the benefit of color. Coloring a client’s hair enhances their appearance and it enhances the look of the particular hairstyle they’ve chosen. Learning the basic color wheel is only the beginning. Pairing the correct color with the type of hair is just as important as using colors that complement one another. Eventually, students make these choices for themselves as they continue their career. Learning the value of color early on in beauty school is what will make the stylist stronger.

Small mistakes that occur in hairstyling can be easily fixed. However, when the mistake is too great, such as a poor cut or wrong color, there is trouble for the stylist and the client. Mastering the basics in the beginning is crucial to succeeding as a hair stylist.


Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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