5 Tips For Healthy Hair Growth



Is your hair growing more slowly than you would like? If so, then you will be happy to know that there are a number of things that you can do that will help your hair grow faster.

Tips For Healthy Hair Growth

Below are five tips that will help you naturally achieve healthy hair growth:

Massage Your Scalp With Essential Oils

Rosemary oil, neem oil and tea tree oil are examples of some of the essential oils that you can use on your scalp. A healthy scalp is one of the keys to healthy hair growth, which is why you should massage your scalp with oil on a regular basis.

When you massage your scalp, you help increase blood flow to your scalp. This helps your scalp get more of the nutrients that it needs. In addition to massaging your scalp with essential oils, you can also add a couple of drops of oil to your shampoo.

Take An Omega 3 Fatty Acid Supplement

Omega 3 fatty acids are great for hair growth because they help reduce inflammation. Chronic inflammation often leads to hair loss. Omega 3 fatty acids are found in salmon, avocado, walnuts and flaxseeds. However, it can be difficult to get the recommended amount of omega 3 fatty acids from one’s diet, which is why you will benefit from taking a supplement.

Use Saw Palmetto Extract

Saw palmetto extract is another natural remedy that can help your hair grow faster. There was a study done on men who had suffered hair loss. One group of men was asked to take 400 mg of saw palmetto extract, and another group was asked to take 100 mg of saw palmetto extract. The results of the study showed that both of the men noticed a significant improvement in hair growth.

Take A Biotin Supplement

Biotin is found in brown rice, nuts and oats. It helps promote a healthy scalp and hair growth. You can very easily get the recommended intake of biotin by eating a healthy diet, but you may want to consider taking a supplement. It is important to note that biotin is classified as a B vitamin, so it is not harmful when it is consumed in excess.

Avoid Hair-Damaging Activities

There are several things that you can do that can damage your hair. You should avoid using shampoos that contain silicon. You should also avoid exposing your hair to ultraviolet rays. If you will be spending a lot of time in the sun, then you should make sure that you protect your hair with a hat.

How We Can Help

Regular trips to the salon can also keep your hair healthy. If you want hair salon services for an affordable price, then you should contact Evergreen Beauty College.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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11 years ago

Great – tons of omega-3s in salmon! salmon for dinner = beautiful beard

4 years ago

Can avacado helps in hair growth?