How to Become a Bridal Make-Up Artist

bridal makeupPeople all over the world dream about working as a bridal makeup artist.  Many of these people will be surprised to learn that this dream is very achievable.  All one needs is patience, diligence and some training.

How to Become a Bridal Make-Up Artist

The first step in becoming a professional make-up artist is learning how to apply make-up.  While the average woman can apply make-up, they cannot apply it to a professional standard.  Professional make-up artists know how to apply make-up so that it looks good under harsh lights and on camera.  The best way to learn make-application is to go to beauty school.

Benefits of Attending Beauty School

  • Students will learn professional make-up application skills.
  • Students will learn how to apply make-up for film and television.
  • Students will be able to anticipate problems and learn how to deal with them.
  • Schools teach students which tools they will need to bring on location.
  • Graduates will make contacts that may help them get more work.

Why a Bridal Makeup Artist Needs a Portfolio

When a person applied for a regular job, he or she uses a resume to display their skills and experience.  In make-up artistry, job seekers use portfolio.  A portfolio is a book which contains photos of previous work.  Make-up artists need to take their portfolio on all job interviews.  Clients will flick through it and decide whether or not they want to hire the job seeker.

Beginners can get images for their portfolio by taking photos of work they complete at beauty school.  Many make-up artists also work for free to get shots they can use in their portfolio.

How to Get Work as a Make-Up Artist

Like with most freelance jobs, the key to success with make-up artistry is marketing.  When a bride looks for a make-up artist, she usually asks friends, family and bridal shops for recommendations.  Due to this, freelancers should contact bridal stores and/or wedding planners to talk to them about advertising.  Some stores will refer customers to make-up artists if they get a commission for each referral.

Make-up artists can also advertise their services online.  Using social media is one of the cheapest ways to generate buzz about a business.  Creating a website is also an effective way for bridal make-up artists to get new clients.

If you want to become a bridal makeup artist, please contact us.  Our beauty school offers numerous courses for aspiring beauticians and make-up artists.  The recruitment staff at our school will be able to discuss course options with you.  They will also be able to advise you on how to fund your studies.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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Charu Artist
Charu Artist
11 years ago

Informative. Thanks for giving info.