What Are The Educational Requirements for a Cosmetologist?

Many cosmetologists just seem to come by their trade naturally, so many people never stop to consider their background. In fact, even if you want to become a cosmetologist yourself, you may not have put a lot of thought into the time and dedication it takes to complete your training. Each state has a board of cosmetology that sets strict education requirements for a cosmetologist.

Education Requirements For a Cosmetologist

Most cosmetology programs require students to graduate from high school or earn a GED before beginning coursework. In some areas, this is also a requirement for state licensing. Once you have earned your high school diploma, there are generally two paths you can take in cosmetology school.

Most students take the full cosmetology program. In this program, they learn to do haircuts, nails and some skin care techniques. They will also learn about coloring and styling hair, as well as techniques like perms. Other students opt to attend barber school, which only focuses on hair cutting. Some beauty colleges also offer similar shorter programs for nails and esthetics. The admissions staff at the school you choose can help you determine which program best fits your needs.

Hours Required

Each state requires a minimum number of hours of training before you can test for your cosmetologist training. On average, this is around 1,500 hours. These hours are split between lecture-style classroom instruction and hands-on experience gained in the beauty school salon. This is where you will hone your skills under the tutelage of an experienced cosmetologist. If you attend classes full-time, you may be able to complete the hour requirement in between one and two years. Many students work through school and attend evening classes, so it may take them longer to complete their hour requirement than traditional full time students.

Licensing Requirements

The state cosmetology board sets forth requirements for cosmetologists, and they also oversee the testing that must be completed before you can receive your license and begin working professionally. Some schools include the cost of the state exam in their tuition, and others arrange for you to take it but you will pay the additional cost on your own. The test itself differs from state to state, but typically includes a written exam and a hands-on practical exam.

You’ll be tested on safety and sanitation, hygiene and techniques. There may even be some questions about chemicals and chemistry that relate to the products you’ve been trained to use.

If you are interested in attending cosmetology school in Washington, look no further than Evergreen Beauty College. We have three campuses located in various parts of the state.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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3 years ago

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