Cosmetology Student Success Story: Cashmere Lyghts
For the month of October we are proud to share the success of one of our Yakima campus’ future professionals, Miss Cashmere Lyghts. Cashmere was awarded for building and marketing herself which adds to her successful habits. Habits that will only continue to grow throughout her career.
About Cashmere Lyghts 
Coming to Evergreen with a background in theatrical work, Miss Cashmere tells us why she chose this career, “I chose Cosmetology because I love how fluid and expressive the beauty industry is. Growing up, I wasn’t confident and I didn’t really know how to express myself. Once I started experimenting with my hair and playing with makeup my true personality really came out and I started gaining confidence. I want to help people who feel the way that I felt to feel beautiful and bold! Before attending Evergreen Beauty College, I was at a four-year university and changed my major every quarter unsure of where I really felt my passion was. I eventually took a theater class that was dedicated to wigs and makeup and I loved it! Before that class I never thought about a career in the beauty industry.”
The Evergreen Experience 
Miss Cashmere shares some of her memories here since becoming part of the Evergreen family, “There is no set way of portraying who you are in this industry.” Cashmere shares with us just what she means, “I love that you can change your hair color from a natural color to a fun vibrant fashion color! Straight hair to bouncy curls, long flowy hair to a bold pixie, or even getting extensions to have long hair back or to start with. The possibilities are endless and there is always a new trend and style that is developing”.
Miss Cashmere will continue to keep up with the trends to better her skills as she continues her journey as a cosmetologist.
When asked about her personal highlights and what has helped her stay motivated throughout her time at Evergreen, Miss Cashmere says, “I love competition and so I’ve really enjoyed when we have styling competitions with each other and had other students critiquing us. I like to hear what the other students have to say because they have ideas or techniques I never thought of to better the styles I do. Plus, seeing the styles that the other students have done have helped me learn new techniques overall. Another thing that I find helpful is timing myself. The saying “time is money” and it’s a big thing in this industry, so being able to perform a service fast but also well is huge. So, I like to time myself with everything I do, like having a competition with myself, which will only help me get better and faster.”
Miss Cashmere is creating her own mark by doing things that will set her apart from other stylist. She shares with us, “I welcome constructive criticism. I am always setting weekly goals for myself and I am very motivated. I am always wanting to do better and I strive to be the best I can be and so whenever I can, I try to get feedback from others so I know what I need to do so I can be the best that I can be. Whenever it is time to do work at school, I put in my headphones and I stay focused. I set daily and weekly goals so I can make sure I am getting done what I need to get done but also getting the most out of my education so that I am thoroughly prepared for when I graduate.” Miss Cashmere is determined to take advantage of the time spent in school, and as you can see, she has big plans for herself!
As it gets closer to graduating, Miss Cashmere states, “I am a huge people pleaser and so I will always try my hardest to give the client exactly what they want. I am a perfectionist and so with everything that I do I try to make it better than the time before. I am also very personable. I know with a lot of people their hair is everything to them and they are trusting me with it so I make sure every client is comfortable and that they know I’m going to take care of them. Plus I give a great head massage!” As you can see Miss Cashmere feels very proud of how strong her skills have grown since she has been a student at Evergreen, I mean who wouldn’t?
The Next Step 
She has a couple of personal goals that she has already put into play. As she goes on to tell us, “In the end my goal would be to open my own salon, but for now I would just like to get a job at a salon where I could learn more from stylists who are further along in their careers so I can continue getting better at what I do.” She also gives the future cosmetologists wanting to follow in this career a piece of advice, “Enjoy it, have fun and it’s okay to make mistakes! In the end we are all in this together, we are all learning and nobody is perfect.”
Miss Cashmere Lyghts graduates next May 2020. And if you are interested in continuing to follow Miss Cashmere throughout her program and into her career, you can check her out on Instagram: @cosmosbycash. Congrats Cashmere! Evergreen wishes you the best of luck as you set off into the industry. Take the confidence you hold and create an impact for others to follow.
Don’t be afraid to spread those wings and take flight and fly with the winds girl!
If you are interested in pursuing a career in the beauty industry take the Beauty Biz Readiness Quiz, you can also check out our programs or contact us at one of our five locations: Mount Vernon, Everett, North Seattle, Renton, and Yakima.
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