Esthetics Student Success Story: Janet Dalit

About Janet Dalit

Growing up leads us down many different paths in life. Part of the journey along the way is finding our own way, and determining which path is one we’d like to explore further. Ms. Janet Dalit, one of our Esthetics students from our Renton campus shares the path she’s been on, “Prior to enrolling into school I worked in the medical field as a medical assistant, and in patient services for about six years. I had always felt like a typical 9-5 job was going to be it for me; work and paying bills, that’s it. Being a full time esthetician wasn’t something that I thought could be a career.” Janet went on to explain a real concern that many individuals fear, and one that holds many back from taking the beauty industry path, “I’ve wanted to get into the beauty industry ever since I was a teenager, but I just always thought the industry was saturated and it would be difficult to make a living because of it.” Will there be enough clientele for me to make a decent living? That question alone will dim the spark of possibility to many. “I decided to follow my passion and work hard on marketing myself along with my business so I too can become a successful esthetician doing something I love,” added Ms. Janet. Skincare interest roots from a few different areas, and Ms. Janet shares one of them, “Personally experiencing severe cystic acne in my early 20’s led me on the path to taking care of my skin which definitely gave me a confidence boost, and I hope to do the same for others.”

Once Ms. Janet deciding to follow her passion, and switch gears it led her back to finding a place to begin that journey. We asked Janet to share her reason for choosing Evergreen Beauty College, her response, “I have always heard good things about the school, and living in Renton provided a very close option for me.

Evergreen also holds evening classes along with offering financial aid for their courses, which helped my decision immensely.”

After a series of microdermabrasion’s with Ms. Janet, this clients Keratosis Pilaris has shown great progress.

The Evergreen Experience

Since starting the Esthetics program with us Ms. Janet has shared some of her highlights of what she has enjoyed, what has helped her so far and what sets her apart from other estheticians:

“One of the areas I have truly enjoyed learning about the most would be microdermabrasion’s. I would call them my absolute favorite service; to give and receive. The benefits and instant gratification you get from this one service is amazing, plus you get to look at the clients filter that shows all of the dead skin buildup that was removed during the service. How cool is that?” Janet asks in return. “As for an assignment I found most helpful, I’d have to say it would be the Esthetics Case Study. A very educational, and interesting assignment that allows us to personally see the treatment result of a client over a series of services.

I used one of my clients for a microdermabrasion series for their Keratosis Pilaris, and after three weekly sessions the results were amazing as you’ll be able to see in the before and after pictures.”

Throughout school our esthetics students learn many different topics and perform many hands on services from full body waxing, facials, lashes, microdermabrasion’s and peels. Ms. Janet shares her specific strengths, “I think I excel in waxing, although it’s not my favorite service to complete. I will do waxing, sure, but I love doing facials and lashes more. There’s just something about it that I truly enjoy.”

“As for what sets me apart from other estheticians? I believe I’m relatable to many people which helps with my connections. I’ve had acne, confidence issues regarding my skin, and can relate to wanting more affordable priced services that fit within my budget of a single mom. A goal I have is to open and have an affordable priced spa menu without sacrificing my own worth. I wouldn’t want to charge someone for a service that I wouldn’t pay for myself. We all deserve to be pampered; having a chance to relax for self-care purposes, but many do not have the finances to take that much needed time. My goal is to make each client feel comfortable and welcomed when they walk through my doors no matter their culture, financial status, or ethnicities.”

The Next Step

A seaweed treatment during this facial targets redness and relaxation.

Even during the pandemic that brought much uncertainty to many, Ms. Janet never stopped planning for the future. “After I complete my hours and graduate I plan to work in a spa tailored to waxing, all while doing lash lifts, facials and brow services independently. A long term goal would be to eventually open my own business, expand services, but that will be in all due time,” shared Janet.

Advice to future professionals that are looking to chase their passion like Ms. Janet has done comes full circle, “Do not wait until you graduate and get your license to start marketing yourself. Get yourself out there, whether it’s on Instagram, by word of mouth or simply practicing on friends, but make sure to take before and after pictures because exposure is everything. The esthetician industry won’t be saturated and there are loyal clients for everyone. Start now and do not wait,” Janet expressed.

Ms. Janet Dalit is set to graduate here soon in December, 2020. And if you are interested in continuing to follow Janet as she transitions into her career, you can check her out on Instagram: @skinwithjanet . Congratulations Ms. Janet! Evergreen can not wait to see where you go and what you offer this amazing industry. Stay true to yourself, and build those connections with your clients as they will create the strong foundation to your success.

If you are interested in pursuing a career in the beauty industry take the Beauty Biz Readiness Quiz, you can also check out our programs or contact us at one of our five locations: Mount VernonEverettNorth SeattleRenton, and Yakima.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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