3 Ways Your Fear of People Sabotages Your Beauty Career

Fear of People Beauty Career

Are you concerned that your fear of people may sabotage your beauty career? Are you interested in reaching your full potential, but you feel like you need help with your personal skills? If this sounds like you, there really is no reason to panic. There are things you can do to conquer that fear and to build a profitable and long-lasting clientele list.

Let’s examine some challenges you may be having, and some solutions for overcoming them.

1.  You Shy Away From Networking

Building a network both online and in your community has a positive impact on your client base. Getting your name out there is nerve-wracking, but don’t let that stop you from meeting new clients.

Making a profile for yourself on one of the many social networking sites is a great way to introduce yourself to people while keeping communication to a minimum. These profiles can also be used to offer discounts or specials, which bring in even more fresh clients.

While working in a salon setting, remember to always be courteous and engage clients in conversation. If they have a pleasant experience, they are more likely to recommend you to their friends. Word-of-mouth recommendations are the most inexpensive form of advertising there is.

2.  You May Not Interview Well for Your Beauty Career

An interview is a stressful experience even for people not living with anxiety. If your social anxiety is hindering you from landing a job in the beauty industry, you might want to consider practicing for your interview.

Asking a friend or family member to sit down with you and go over questions that your potential employer may ask can help to prepare you for the real interview.

Go over the mock-interview more than once so your answers come naturally to you, and to ensure that you don’t make a mistake during your interview.

3. You May Not Build Lasting Client Relationships

It is very important to keep your customers from taking their business elsewhere. Other stylists usually offer specials to draw in clients, and your clients may be eager to take them up on their offers instead.

To keep this from happening, it is vital to have a positive relationship with your customers. Remember to be friendly, and talk to your clients during their visit. If your clients get to know you, they will happily come back to you in the future.

Want to Maximize Your Potential in the Beauty Industry?

One of the best ways to help reduce or eliminate some of your social anxiety is to build confidence in your abilities.  When you can perform at your best, you can comfortably communicate with clients, peers and industry heavyweights.

How can you become a confident, skilled professional?  With a top notch education!  With over 20 years of training students to build successful beauty careers, Evergreen Beauty College provides education in both the technical aspects of beauty, as well as a professional development program designed to integrate personal, technical, and traditional business skill sets.

Learn more about us, or get in touch to learn about our beauty courses, and start building your confidence today!

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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