Back to School Checklist

It’s mid August already and the back to school commercials have been running now for more than 2 weeks! Back to school means Fall and Fall means change. What a perfect time to not only have a fresh start with a new school year, but also to update your make-up stash for the upcoming weather changes 🙂 Here is a list of must-have school supplies and suggested updates to make to your make-up supplies!!

  1. Planner: I’m talking old school planner. One that isn’t in your phone. I love seeing people writing in their planners. It’s a nostalgic feeling and one that reminds me that technology hasn’t completely taken over our every day lives. There is something about making plans or a list and being able to physically check them off! Not to mention there are some adorable planners out there. Like this Sugar Paper one that can be found at TargetPlanner
  2. Foundation: If a planner is what you need to plan out your day and upcoming weeks, a new foundation is what you’re going to need to plan the rest of your make-up for the day. With cooler temperatures coming in the next few months (I can’t wait!!) a moisturizing foundation is a must. Cooler weather dries out the skin, so ideally, you would pack the matte foundation away for the season and try out a new foundation, like Tarte’s Rainforest of the Sea water-based foundation.Water Based Foundation
  3. Oh, highlighters! It’s one of those things on your back to school list that sometimes you use, but really most of the time you don’t. And yet you still end up buying new ones each year. They’re fun, they’re colorful and whether or not you use them for actual research or school work, is totally up to you 🙂2-highlighter
  4. From highlighters on paper to highlighter on your face 🙂 Right now, hopefully you have a beautiful summer glow, but unless you live somewhere that stays warm 365 days a year, you are more than likely going to lose that glow. What better way to keep that glow all year round than to try out a new highlighter like BECCA’s shimmering perfectors. I personally use the Opal shade and absolutely love it. I wanted to make sure I had a subtle, dewy look and not look like a disco ball!highlighter
  5. No school supply list is complete without a cute, new backpack. Starting a few years ago, I noticed that backpack purses were starting to make a comeback and as a result, school backpacks were getting a lot cuter too! If you’re a stylish girl and don’t want a not-so-cute backpack to bring down your style, check out this adorable Kimichi Blue Lace and Jersey backpack, available at Urban Outfitters.backpack
  6. No make-up look is complete with out mascara! I’ve tried almost every kind of mascara out there. Drugstore ones, super expensive department store brands, breakthrough fiber lashes and yet I always come back to my all-time favorite: Cover Girl Lash Blast Mascara. If you haven’t tried it, I highly recommend adding it to your make-up collection and I would love to hear what you think 🙂mascara 2Share with us your inspiration for heading back to school and your must-haves for both supplies and make-up! You can share your thoughts on our Facebook page and share your Instagram pics with us too using #evergreenbeautycollege. Can’t wait to see your pictures!

Evergreen Beauty College offers esthetics and cosmetology programs. Contact us for more information.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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