Complete and Easy Makeup Removal

Proper makeup removal may require no more than a good facial cleanser and a gentle product for removing the makeup around your eyes. Your goal should be to gently rub your skin including the jawline and hairline without making your skin raw. There’s no replacement for professional skin care treatments, however the following information may answer some of your most important questions.

Do I need to wash my face every night?

If you wear makeup, you should wash it off each night. This will promote clean pores and glowing skin.

Do I need to use a skin toner?

While many women like the feeling they get from using toner, many beauty experts feel that toner is unnecessary for removing oil, dirt, and makeup. This is because most cleansers are already formulated to remove these things, even if you are wearing a lot of makeup. While toner will remove makeup, it removes your natural skin oils as well. This can dry out your skin to the point of being harmful, which is why toner should be disregarded unless your skin is exceptionally oily.

Are baby wipes good for removing makeup?

Most beauty experts concur that baby wipes are ineffective at removing makeup. While baby wipes are designed to be safe for bare baby skin, they contain nothing that will help remove makeup. Using baby wipes will leave your skin in need of a good cleansing.

What should I use to remove makeup from my exceptionally dry skin?

You should use a product that will not dry your skin out even more. Applying a cleansing oil on a cotton pad is a good way to remove makeup from your eyelids, lips, and eyebrows. You can follow this with a gel or foaming cleanser, and finish your cleansing routine by applying a moisturizer.

What can I do about my acne?

Salicylic cleanser is best if you have acne. A foaming cleanser will be ideal if your skin is oily.

How should I remove waterproof mascara?

While many women rely on petroleum jelly, you may prefer to use a product designated to remove waterproof mascara. You should apply the product with a cotton pad and then gently wipe across your eyelids to remove the mascara. You should repeat this procedure until the clean pad is completely free of makeup.

Do I need to wash my face each morning?

If you wash your face thoroughly each night, you may have no need for a morning face wash. Too much washing may dry out your skin anyway. A simple rinse with warm water may be all you need to start the day with clean, fresh skin.

If you’re interested in learning more makeup tips from professionals, visit Evergreen Beauty College’s cosmetology program.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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