Consider a Career in Cosmetology

The past few decades have shed light on the necessity of a career that is preferably recession proof, such as teaching, working in the medical field, or obtaining a cosmetology career.

While the initial idea of being a cosmetologist may not appear all that beneficial, there are several convincing reasons to consider it as a profession.

The Work of a Cosmetologist

Cosmetologists are some of the very few lucky individuals that do not file off to the same routine, boring job each day. Instead, workers in this field get to use their job as a creative outlet each and every day while doing something they are passionate about. Working in this field makes it much easier to get out of bed in the morning, knowing the day ahead will be filled with making masterpieces. Even though each establishment has a slightly different atmosphere, the field overall retains a more serene, relaxed environment. Regardless of whether the position takes place in a health club, department store, resort, salon, skincare office, spa, or other cosmetic business—cosmetologists find themselves at ease with their expertise.

Many experienced professionals in the industry go on to do freelance work and completely run their own schedules. Considering the numerous specializations integrated throughout the field, including laser hair removal and waxing, possibilities are quite literally endless.

Benefits of a Cosmetology Career

Unlike many professions, a career in cosmetology can be easily transferred through multiple territories, basically traveling anywhere in the world and still receiving proper recognition. Although each area or state may have a slightly different variation of requirements, the necessary skills and prior experience acquired do not disappear or get discredited. Even cosmetologists that work in a single location are able to receive flexible scheduling options. For example, cosmetology can easily be a part time job rather than a full time career. Since minimal schooling is required to obtain a cosmetology license, it can easily be worked into or around any previous obligations.

Cosmetologists Salary

This field is all about skill. Customers will always return to a person that completed a job to his or her liking, and a good personality only leads to a larger tip. Aside from that, cosmetologists can sleep tight with the constant knowledge of a steady paycheck weekly or biweekly.

If you are ready to obtain a steady paycheck through a professional career that you are passionate about, then we are ready for you! At Evergreen Beauty School, we provide all of the necessary training relating to the beauty industry.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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