Cosmetology Student Success Story: Jordan Williams

I get to share the success of Ms. Jordan Williams this month from our Renton Campus. Ms. Jordan has branded herself on social media, setting her success up from the start of her career. It all starts here Jordan! Welcome to the beauty industry!

About Jordan Williams

Like many others, Ms. Jordan found herself searching for a change. Jordan looked around and found her direction from those around her. “I was originally working a dead end job at a local FM [Fred Meyers], and I was beyond miserable. I have four cosmetologist that are close to me and in my family so it just felt right to flow this path,” shares Jordan. When you get to witness other’s content or happiness it often leads you searching those individuals out when your looking for the next step yourself. In this case Jordan followed through and took the next step in this path she choose, touring Evergreen Beauty College.

“My best friend went through the cosmetology program at EBC and raved about it. So, I did some research and decided it was the best path for me as well,” stated Jordan.

The Evergreen Experience 

Since starting Evergreen Jordan has experienced different aspects of her cosmetology program thus far and has shared some areas that she likes and specializes in:

“I adore coloring and cutting because of the drastic transformations you can create! I also enjoy perming, despite the very strong smell that naturally comes with the process. Although I love coloring and cutting I would say my strength would definitely be in braiding. Especially Dutch braids. I can Dutch braid until the cows come home!” shared Jordan.

“As for assignments, I would have to say the Bingo sheets have been the most helpful assignments by far, because it forces me to work on things I do not yet feel very confident in or performing on clients. The best part about this is, you get credits for practicing!” added Jordan. Bingo sheets are sheets filled with boxes filled with different areas, skills, techniques and assignments needed to be completed before a sign off or a ‘black out’ can be achieved. Educators use this assignment to push students outside their comfort zone and to further their skills in all areas.

Jordan shares what sets her apart from other stylist and why a client should book with her over anyone else:

“I’m never afraid to ask for help or admit when I’m in the wrong. I’m dedicated, determined and passionate about making sure my clients needs and wants are all met,” commented Jordan. Utilizing the full experience and allowing herself to be moldable and coachable so she can gain as much experience as she can during school is an admirable trait. Jordan is humble and will soar with the learning experience she’s open too. Some students forget that once you start taking clients is really when the learning actually happens. That in the moment, hands on coaching is right in front of them for that taking. Jordan though, she’s in it for that whole learning experience EBC offers and grasps it openly.

The Next Step 

Even though Ms. Jordan still has a good portion of her program left to refine her skills and make an impact, that hasn’t stopped her from looking into the future and planning her next step. We asked Jordan what were her career plans after she graduates and her reply was, “Working for myself and being Independent.” With the background of the job Jordan found herself wanting to leave, it makes sense wanting to give it a go all on her own. Driving her to push through and create a business she will love to be able to work at everyday.

We asked Jordan what would be some advice to anyone looking into the same opportunity she once took not too long ago by enrolling at EBC? “Always have your game face on! There will be times you don’t feel confident about something but don’t let your clients know, because you want them to trust you! If you feel unsure or discouraged about something, ALWAYS ask the educators for help!!!” advised by Jordan.

Ms. Jordan graduates next March 2019 and what better way to support her other than to stop in and get a service done by her at our Renton campus! And if you are interested in continuing to follow Jordan throughout her program, you can check her out on IG: @hairbymommaj . Congrats Ms. Jordan. You are on your way to do some amazing things in the beauty industry!

If you are interested in pursuing a career in the beauty industry take the Beauty Biz Readiness Quiz, you can also check out our programs or contact us at one of our three locations: Everett, Renton or Yakima.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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