Diary of a Nail Tech Student, Volume 3

It’s October. The season is changing, nights getting darker earlier, and that pesky holiday Halloween is on the horizon. Love any of it or hate it, everybody is aware of this time of year. It’s the change month, after all, and change can be scary, unsettling and exciting all at the same time.

 True to form my life is Changing. I mean that with a capital C. I’m into my third week of the nail tech program and officially on the floor, taking clients. Deciding to go to school was a big decision, financially and emotionally. But I did it because I needed change. I wanted a career not a job. That doesn’t come without its fair share of ups and downs. It was time, though, and I was ready and really glad of the decision to go to Evergreen. Here I’ve made friends, another change I’ve been in need of for some time.

 My current job is going through changes. A larger corporation bought the company out which means dealing with new policies and equipment. Some good, some not so good. Part of this is what’s pushing me to look for a career.

 The reason I dropped out of college years ago was my health was making it difficult to do anything. So of course I was afraid going to school again would create the same problems. Sure enough issues that I thought I had under management flared up, sending me to doctors once again to try and figure it out. New doctors, new medications, all in an attempt to manage the pain and symptoms. It’s frustrating not knowing the answer to why I’m in pain so many days but going to a school I love gives me more motivation to get up and go every morning.

 On top of aaaalll of that, my husband decided we should move! Which is great. We have an offer on a beautiful home that I’m looking forward to making mine. But especially in the month of October I’m busy. Geek girl con is October 11th and 12th. The next weekend the nail techs are going to nail camp. Graduation is the 26th, Halloween Friday the 31st and then it’s moving day.

 Free time? There’s no such thing with so much changing going on. This is only the tip of the iceburg and I’m looking forward to every moment. A little afraid too. It’s a good season for it though.


Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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