Cosmetology Student Success Story: Madoka Yoneshige

More often than not, people discover their passions and decide what career path they want to take when they are young. Whether it be a doctor, police officer, or hair stylist, they discover their passions and interests and make the decision.

Different experiences trigger different discoveries and interests. For Madoka Yoneshige, our Digital Marketing Award winner for the month of June from our Bellevue campus, her discovery of hair styling happened when she was 5 years old. Ever since then, she has always loved all things hair. She had this to say, “When I was 5, I went to a hair salon and saw a person doing a haircut. Her hands moved fast and smooth. It was so cool! And her client had such nice hair and a nice smile. I wanted to make people smile by doing their hair.”

About Madoka

Although we think that all of our Future Professionals are outstanding and unique in their own ways, we love discovering exactly what it is that sets them apart from their peers. For Madoka, we learned that not only is she in school for Cosmetology now, but she also went to beauty school in Japan!

She discovered that there are quite a few different techniques between Japan and Washington.

While she has been in school at Evergreen, she has found her strengths in the industry. She said that one of her biggest strengths is braiding for sure! She braids her classmates’ hair quite often and she absolutely loves it! Once you find your niche in the industry, that is just the beginning to becoming unstoppable!

The Evergreen Experience

At Evergreen, our Future Professionals experience a vast array of different assignments. Everyone gets a little something different out of every assignment. We were curious to see what assignment had the biggest impact on Madoka. She said, “Nuts and Bolts has helped me the most because it helped me get clientele. I couldn’t speak English very well when I started school. I was really anxious to make conversation with my clients, but Nuts and Bolts gave me the knowledge to do that.” That is such a wonderful thing to hear! Nuts and Bolts gives so much knowledge and confidence to so many of our Future Professionals!

Madoka has been very open to trying new things, experiencing big changes and learning new techniques. Throughout her time in school, she has come to find out that she likes doing everything involved in the Cosmetology industry. Whether it be cutting, coloring, perming or braiding, she enjoys it all! That will benefit her greatly in her career and make her become a very well-rounded and knowledgeable individual.

The Next Step

Madoka has very recently graduated from our Bellevue campus and will be taking her tests soon to become a licensed Cosmetologist. We asked her once she had her license what she had in mind for her future. She said, “I am going to work at a Japanese-owned salon for quite a while. Then I am going to go back to Japan to get a Kimono’s (Japanese traditional clothes) license. After 5 years, I want to come back to Washington and work at a salon again. Eventually, I want to open my own salon.” Those are some amazing goals! We can’t wait to watch her grow and see her journey in her career! We wish her nothing but the best!

When our graduates leave us, we always love to hear what advice they have for our incoming Future Professionals. When we asked Madoka, she said, “If you like doing hair, this school is wonderful. All of the instructors are nice and kind, they are always willing to help to have a wonderful experience in school. Last but not least, just have fun!” We love seeing our students having fun and interacting with the educators!

If you are interested in watching Madoka on her journey through her Cosmetology career or seeing some of her incredible work, you can find her on social media at mdk_hair. (Instagram)

Also, if you are interested in pursuing a career in the beauty industry, you can check out our program or contact us at one of our three locations: Yakima, Everett or Renton!

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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