Digital Marketing Award: Roslynn Street

We think Evergreen students are the best around! That may be us being a little bias, but can you blame us? Our students are completely outstanding!

This month we wanted to feature a student who we think really exemplifies everything we love about Evergreen Beauty College. This month’s Digital Marketing Award goes to Roslynn Street!

About Roslynn

When we asked Roslynn about her reason for attending cosmetology school, she told us a story that we feel resonates with many people, especially those working the beauty industry.

“I have naturally very tight curly hair, and when I was younger neither I, nor my parents knew how to manage it! I would go to school and my hair would be a frizzy mess, and I would get made fun of for it. So my grandma found me a hair stylist that would chemically straighten my hair so it would be more manageable. It was then that I discovered self-confidence. I loved the feeling I got when my hair was done in a salon and when I would learn new ways to take care of it properly! From then on, I was absolutely addicted to playing with hair, whether that be my dolls, family, or friends! I wanted to give others that feeling of confidence that I gained when I first started getting my hair done.”

One of the best feelings in the world is making someone feel beautiful! Our students are taught not only hairstyling, coloring, cutting, and other technical skills, but they are also taught how to give clients the best experience in a salon setting.

“I believe every client deserves a personalized experience and to walk out of the salon feeling great about what they received in their service!

Feeling beautiful doesn’t have to come from how you look, but rather how you make somebody feel and everybody deserves to feel beautiful!”


The Evergreen Experience

We believe that getting feedback from our students helps us improve and change our teaching and curriculum for the better. We asked Roslynn what her favorite part of the Evergreen Cosmetology Program was.

“Our teacher in phase one had us take red, blue, and yellow paint, and actually make a color wheel! It helped me to visualize how light reflects color and how the entire color wheel truly works. How certain colors compliment each other and why other colors should never meet! Also, our look book project to transition onto the floor.

It helped me remember all the things we learned in the classroom and helped prepare me to move onto the floor.”

We strive to make our instruction as thorough and skillful as possible!

We asked Roslynn to tell us why should chose to attend Evergreen Beauty College:

“I loved that Evergreen offers a wide variety of education and doesn’t focus on gearing us to work for the company, but rather to work for ourselves as business owners and future professionals. Even though I plan on specializing in color, I still want to learn barbering, braiding, up-do styles and so much more!”

The Next Step

We encourage all of our students to end the program with goals in mind for the future. Our students success and achievements make us proud! Roslynn has some big dreams, and we are glad that we were a part of her first step toward a rewarding beauty career!
“I want to assist a stylist for the first 1-2 years out of beauty school to learn how the beauty industry really is, and to pick up on some new methods. Then, I would like to start working in a salon either as an employee or booth renting, depending on how stable my clientele is at the time. Eventually my dream is to own my own little salon with 2-3 chairs. I want to have a more personal experience with my clients, and I want to be in a place they want to be and are happy to come to.”

Before Roslynn graduates in May of 2017, we asked her to give our incoming students some advice:

“Pay attention because before you know it you’re on the floor taking clients wondering where the first four months of beauty school went to! Your fellow classmates can be some of your greatest support so lean on them when you need to! Y’all are going through this experience together! Time flies when you’re having fun but remember this is your future and you are the only one in charge of it.”

To see more of Roslynn’s work, visit her Instagram page @roslynnrae.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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