Digital Marketing Award: Skylar Hopkins


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If you have an interest in pursuing make-up at a more professional level, it may be a good idea to consider looking into an Esthetics program too! Skin is the canvas for anyone’s make-up, whether you prefer more of a glam look or if you are more into natural, if your skin doesn’t look good, it’s difficult to get your make-up to look nice. With that said, I would like to introduce you to Skylar Hopkins, Bellevue’s Digital Marketing Award winner for the month of March! Continue reading to learn more about Skylar’s journey to Esthetics and her love for make-up.

Skylar Hopkins InsertAbout Skylar

Evergreen’s MUD make-up program is a wonderful gateway to the other programs we offer. Skylar, for example, “I chose to enroll in the esthetics program because I first took a make-up class at Evergreen and really enjoyed myself. I then realized that I wanted to learn more than just make-up by adding skincare to my practice.Before coming to Evergreen, I had just finished a year of community college and realized that general textbook learning was not for me!” Now that Skylar has been exposed to both an esthetics program and make-up, I was curious to know what she believes her biggest strengths are. “I think my strengths include make-up and waxing, especially eyebrows!”

The Evergreen Experience

Of course we always want our students to have an enjoyable, memorable experience at Evergreen and we Skylar Hopkins Workdo know that each person’s experience will differ. And that’s just another thing I love about our MUA programs! Anyone who is dabbling in the idea of beauty school, but isn’t quite 100% ready to commit, can take one of our shorter courses to see if the school is a good fit. “The thing I like most about the program is the hands-on training. I love being shown how to do a service and then being able to jump right in and practice on my fellow classmates,” said Skylar.

At Evergreen, one of our most used quotes is “Get comfortable being uncomfortable!” We want our students to branch out and not get complacent, whether it be in school, or especially, after graduation. For Skylar, “The most helpful assignment for me has been the required number of each service we must perform. If I wasn’t required to do a certain number of each service I might be able to skip out on some that I don’t particularly enjoy or feel confident in, so I’m glad I’m learning to be comfortable with being uncomfortable.” Way to embrace change, Skylar! 🙂

The Next Step

Skylar Hopkins Work 2Skylar is on her way to graduating at the end of July 2017. July is only a few months away and we wanted to let everyone know what her plans are for after graduation so you can follow her on her new career path! “My career plan after I finish at Evergreen is to be working in a place where I can really focus on my strengths (i.e. make-up and waxing) while improving my weaknesses.”

It’s always interesting to also hear what advice our soon-to-be-graduates have for any prospective students. “My advice for any incoming students would be to make sure you can be a team player before enrolling. If you can’t work well with others, it will be very challenging to get anywhere in this industry.” That is wonderful advice, Skylar, and I would completely agree!

If you are interested in seeing more of Skylar’s work, you can always check out her Instagram @makeup_byskylar or better yet, come and make and appointment with her at the Bellevue campus spa before the end of July!

Also, if you are interested in pursuing a career in the beauty industry, you can check out our program or contact us at one of our three locations: Bellevue, Everett or Renton!

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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