How to Know if Going to Cosmetology School is the Right Path

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Breaking into the creative work industry is more achievable than most people who consider going to cosmetology school think. You must take certain steps to realize a dream as a hairstylist, barber, makeup artist, or esthetician. The first step begins with studying cosmetology or other relevant courses before passing a state exam.

How Do You Know if Cosmetology School is Right for You?

Here’s a quick checklist to help you decide if school is the right option for you. If you answered yes to more than three of the following questions, please continue reading–– you may be on the right track!

  • Are you creative? 
  • Do you look at fashion magazines regularly to read up on the latest styles?
  • Do you love experimenting with hair?
  • Are you a good listener? 
  • Do you like making people feel like their best selves?
  • Have you tried cutting and coloring your hair more than several times? 
  • Have you considered a path as a stylist, barber, esthetician, or makeup artist for a while?
  • Are you looking for a creative career where you are your boss, but you don’t have to manage all of the operations of a business?
  • Do you like chatting and communicating with customers?
  • Do you stay abreast with industry trends and standards?

The good news is, if you can relate to most of this checklist, you may be ready to enroll in cosmetology school. If you’re still on the fence and don’t take big life choices like this lightly, let’s explore if this is the right path for you.

The word creativity is a broad term encompassing many things. Many people who love fashion and makeup don’t even realize they are creative, but if you can take a palette of colors and create something interesting and beautiful, there’s creativity at play. The same rule goes for pulling together articles of clothing to make one cohesive ensemble that looks great. If you love cutting and coloring hair, making your at-home skincare formulation, or even curating beauty products that everyone wants, that is the essence of creativity. 

At cosmetology school, the right staff and setting will help you hone your craft and teach you everything you need to know to be successful in your career. Once you decide if working in a salon or related field is something that will make you happy and bring you a steady income, then touring a beauty school is the natural next step. 

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Cosmetology School Will Teach You:

  • How to master the fundamentals.
  • How to unleash your creativity.
  • How to create a safe and sanitary space.
  • Anatomy and color theory.
  • Customer relations. 
  • Business operations.
  • How to prepare for the state exam. 

Here are a Few Tips for Creating your Checklist to Realize Your Dreams and Aspirations: 

  • Set your career goals
  • Do you want to work in a salon or the fashion industry?
  • Enroll at school.
  • Invest in good products and keep everything sanitary.
  • Practice on your friends.
  • Be your own model/client.
  • Network with fellow students, assistants, and colleagues.
  • Experiment.
  • Work hard.
  • Be on time
  • Be calm and kind in all circumstances.
  • Have reference photos available to guide your client

If you like more information about cosmetology school and the courses offered, and want to schedule a time to tour one of Evergreen Green Beauty College’s campuses, visit Evergreen Beauty College today and learn more!

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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