How to Properly Market a New Salon

The salon industry has become an indispensable part of modern day life. Figures published by the Professional Beauty Association (PBA) and the National Cosmetology Association (NCA) show the industry draws revenue of more than $40 billion every year. In addition, beauty establishments in the US employ more than 900,000 people. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, job opportunities in this industry will grow by 15% through 2020.

Marketing a New Salon

If you are angling for a piece of this cake, it is important to have well-crafted marketing plan. Keep reading to find out how to market a salon.

Formulate a Social Media Strategy to Market your Salon

Social media platforms have become synonymous with modern day communication. Ignoring the large number of people who use these platforms is tantamount to committing business suicide. To start with, create a website for your salon. Make sure you integrate social media buttons into the site. This can easily translate into sales leads for your new salon. A study carried out by the Pew Research Center found that the majority of people on social media platforms earn an average of $30,000 annually.

In addition, the most active age group on social media platforms today is the 18 to 49 years age group. These are people with money to spend. With that in mind, use social media CRM tools to cultivate, acquire, and maintain customers on these sites.

Partner with Photographers

The majority of professional photographers are always scouting for new makeup and hair styling talent. Therefore, partner with photographers and showcase your talent. Besides earning money for services offered, you will get credit along with the photographer. Of course, a celebrity photographer is likely to be a more valuable partner since such a relationship alone could potentially catapult your salon to new heights.

A Blog is an Effective Tool to Market a Salon

Although blogging has been around for years, it is an effective way of marketing a salon business. Research carried out by Factbrowser found that businesses that blog regularly generate 67% more sales leads than competitors that do not. Furthermore, businesses that take blogging seriously generate 97% more inbound links than businesses that shun blogging. These statistics show that blogging alone can make the difference between success and failure of a new salon.

Keep up with the Hottest Trends

Running a salon business involves more than just pampering customers. Obviously, one has to keep up with the latest and hottest trends. If you fail to deliver on this front, your customers are likely to turn elsewhere. One of the ways to stand out from the crowd is to partner with a beauty product manufacturer. This will give you access to experts with years of experience in the beauty industry.

Develop Personal and Long Term Relationships with your Clients

Besides aggressively marketing your business online and keeping up with the latest trends, you should develop good rapport with your clients. This will make the clients feel appreciated and valued. For example, customers will feel at home if you can greet them by name and remember their favorite hairstyle or beauty treatment. This personalized touch will keep customers loyal to your salon.

Promote Your Business at a Public Place

Promoting your salon at a public place can bring in new customers. For instance, you can negotiate with the relevant authorities to set up a temporary salon at a public park. This will enable you to attract a sizeable number of foot traffic that frequent public spaces. Offer free haircuts, beauty packages, as well as discount coupons.

Try SMS and Location Based Marketing

Having a great website and social media presence is hardly enough nowadays. Location based marketing that targets web users is one of the newer weapons in the marketing armory. This works by targeting web users who happen to pass near your business. In addition, sending out SMSs to new or existing customers can work wonders. You can use SMS marketing to advertise special promotions or offer discounts to regular clients.

Traditionally, businesses relied on word of mouth to advertise products and services to consumers. Due to the competitive nature of the current business environment, one has to reach out to the consumer in a creative manner. Some of the ideas that you can use to market a new salon include creating a social media strategy, blogging regularly, partnering with photographers, keeping up with the latest trends, and developing long-term relationships with clients.

While the aforementioned steps are effective, they are not likely to be enough. To learn more, enroll for a salon marketing course at Evergreen Beauty College. We have the right educators to mentor you every step of the way. To learn more, visit our website at

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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