How to Put Your Beauty Career on the Fast Track to “Fully Booked”

Beauty Career Fully Booked


Yes, it’s possible to put your beauty career on the fast track. Even better, it’s probably easier than you think. One of the key factors in doing so is filling up your appointment book with happy clients. As a rule, happy clients turn into repeat clients.

Kevin Harrington, a contributor, suggests that you follow the “3 Ps” in order to garner repeat customers.

They are:

  • Be Personal – Don’t be afraid to tell your clients a bit about you, so they get to know you better. Knowing someone makes it easier to trust him or her.
  • Be Present – Occasionally remind clients that you’re still around. Send them a birthday or holiday card, being careful not to sound too “salesy.” You don’t want them to feel obligated to buy something. You just want to say hello.
  • Be Proactive – Take the time to contact clients, a few days after their appointment, to make sure they’re happy with the service they received. If they bought product from you, ask if they’re satisfied with the purchase. Most people genuinely appreciate a follow-up.

He also goes on to say:

[bctt tweet=”It’s much easier to sell a product or service to a current customer than a new one.”]

DuctTape offers several suggestions, in regard to getting more repeat clients. As you probably guessed, all of these methods are quite affordable. Here are two of them.

Offer a Discount or Freebie

You’ll be hard-pressed to find anyone doesn’t love to save money. Offering an occasional discount or freebie is an excellent way to keep customers coming back. It doesn’t have to be something expensive. For example, consider giving a repeat manicure client a free bottle of nail polish now and then. You also have the option of giving some type of discount to anyone who refers a friend or family member.

Involve Your Clients in Your Beauty Career

This method works especially well if you’re active on social media platforms such as Facebook or Instagram. It’s easy to create an interactive quiz, which in turn is a great way to collect customer feedback. Remember, the quiz should be fun. You don’t want anyone to feel obligated to take it.

One of the most important points to keep in mind is that marketing efforts don’t end with your client’s initial appointment. You need to do everything you can to stay fresh in their minds. Doing so helps to ensure that the next time they’re in need of beauty-related services, these customers will call you instead of the competition.

Do You Want to Put Your Beauty Career on the Fast Track?

The beauty industry is ever-changing. The techniques and beauty products in use today may be outdated tomorrow. Therefore, if you want to put your career on the fast track, consider going back to beauty school (or enrolling for the first time).

At Evergreen Beauty College, we know that continuous learning and growth in the beauty and spa industry will allow you to be the best and stay the best. Our faculty has practical experience that keeps students connected to the industry, and we provide business education to boost your ability to be successful.

Learn more about our school by scheduling a tour of one of our three campuses, or contact us for more info about how you can get on the fast track to success!


Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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