The Best Tips for Designing a Salon

If you have just bought a new space for a salon, then one of the most important things you can know is how to design a salon. This is an essential element of the salon as it sets the tone for the customer. There are a few things you will need to think about with this.

Designing A Salon Requires A Theme

Are you an upscale salon catering to a high end market? Then make sure your equipment and décor reflect this. If they are cheap or look tacky, you will not get the clientele you are looking for. In the same aspect, if you are trying to appeal to men as well as women, you want to have something that is modern without being too feminine as this can drive away clients.

This is the first thing you need to think about before opening a salon. Chances are you had to figure this out as part of your business plan to get the financing on the salon. However, you want to make sure the décor you select will help to realize the demographics you hope to cater to.

It is also helpful to figure out the atmosphere you want to have in the salon. This can be invaluable to figuring out other aspects of the design, including the colors you select as well as the music you will play. For instance, if you want something fun and upbeat, you will want to select bright, fun colors with catchy beats playing.

Finding the Right Colors for the Salon

Once you have a full understanding of what you want the salon to be, the next thing to think about is the color scheme that you will use. It is important to consider this before you

You should think about the colors that will help to bring your dream for the salon to life. There are a few key things to remember with this:

  • Too much color is not a good thing. It is distracting and can look tacky
  • Find a couple colors that complement each other and stick with them
  • Accent walls are great way to help differentiate a section of the salon for a certain service

Keep It Clean

One of the worst things you can do is to have a crowded salon. This can create an environment that seems cramped and often dirty. With this, it is also important to remember that knick knacks and pictures do not always have a place in the salon. While the occasion piece can add to the space, you do not want it to be distracting.

Purchase the Right Equipment

While you want to have equipment, such as chairs and booths, that will match your dreams for the salon, which is important. You should make sure the style and the color of the equipment matches what you are going for. With this, you will want to make sure you are getting the quality you are looking for. Though it may seem like a little more money to shell out in the beginning, finding quality equipment can save you in the long run as you will not have to replace the equipment as often.

Have a Consultation from an Interior Designer

One of the best things you can do is to pay for an interior designer to come in and give you notes on what you plan to do. This means you will need to have a floor plan drawn up with color swatches and pictures of the items you plan to purchase. They will be able to help you see if this is a good idea or what you can substitute to help you get the look you are going for. The one thing you will want to think about though is to go with one who is experienced in designing salons. You can have them do the entire design and purchase all the items for you, though this will cost significantly more than the consultation.

Don’t Forget About the Products

You do not want to forget to leave a space for the products you will sell, as this can account for a large portion of your revenue. Be sure the shelf or other storage you use for the products reflects the theme of the store. It should also be the appropriate size for the amount of product you have. Too much space will seem awkward and too little space will make it feel packed.

All these skills are generally acquired by attending a beauty college such as Evergreen. Here you will be given the tools to succeed in your salon venture.

Schedule an appointment to tour our campus today.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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