The Best Way to Get Work in a Salon? Train in One!


Experience is King – In any industry experience is the king. You can have all of the education in the world, and all the professional qualifications you can get your hands on. But it’s hard to get someone to put faith in you, and bring you into their business if you don’t have any experience behind you. No matter how you slice it, training in a salon remains the best way to future work in one. And here’s why

Access to Mentors

Mentors are one of the most valuable resources that someone just starting out in an industry could possess. A good mentor will tell you what you’re doing wrong, tell you what you need to learn, and help you with any sticking points you’re experiencing in your personal and professional development. In addition to the raw educational benefits of having a mentor, there’s the added benefit of having a ready-made network (your mentor’s) saving you from having to reinvent the wheel when you try to go out into the world on your own.

However, just because a mentor can do all of these things for you doesn’t mean that they will, and certainly not for free. You have to showcase that you’re valuable and that you’re eager and able to learn.

Deciding if this industry is for you – It’s all well and good taking a couple of classes, or even a complete program. However, classes, even one with a hands-on approach only go so far towards successfully simulating the real world.

Some people spend months or even years studying something in an educational program and then when they try to work out in the real world they realize that they hate it or are not cut out for it. Getting training in the salon as soon into your education as possible will prevent you from getting too far into your education before realizing that the industry isn’t for you.

So in between the accelerated learning potential, the connections to potential future employer, clients and job opportunities. It’s crucial that if you want to break into the beauty industry and work in a professional salon that if you should try to train in one as soon as you can. If your program has a co-op stream. Take it. Even if it’s unpaid. The return on investment in terms of skill acquisition and career progress will more than make up for the few months of lost wages.

Need Training?

At Evergreen Beauty College, you get hands-on training from staff members that work in the industry, as well as practical experience in our salon.  Learn more about our programs by scheduling a tour of the college, or by contacting us, and start your career off right!

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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