The Latest Innovations in Health and Beauty at the Esthetics Convention

An esthetics convention allows professionals in the health and beauty industries to flaunt their latest products and treatments. Consumers who are interested in finding new ways to fight the signs of aging or to alter their physiques, among other things, can tour the endless rows of displays, access informational resources and try a variety of samples. If you are interested in new ways to change your looks or are ready to learn how to enhance your health and beauty business, this is a vital convention to attend.

Innovations in Skin Care

Finding new ways to fight the signs of aging is a top concern among health and beauty professionals throughout the world. More women and men are eager to purchase products or try out treatments that make them look younger and more attractive and capable. At the esthetics convention, there will be a broad range of informational resources that people can take advantage of when attempting to learn ways to achieve an ageless appearance or ways on how to help their clients obtain these benefits.

Stress Relief That Enhances the Appearance

The average person is overwhelmed by stress. This has a variety of negative impacts on the appearance, personal health and an individual’s overall sense of well-being. In order to combat these effects, major manufacturers and companies that are brand new to the market are working hard at devising ways that people can quickly and easily restore their minds and bodies.

When attending the esthetics convention you can learn new ways to:

  • Improve health through stress reduction techniques
  • Use stress reduction to alleviate anxiety
  • Implement nature-based programs to achieve mood balance
  • Enhance your appearance through stress reduction techniques

Lose Weight and Boost Your Health

Probably the most talked about aspect of the beauty and health industry, weight loss is a very popular concern among nearly every demographic. At the esthetics convention, consumers and shop and business owners will find a broad range of products that help to promote, increase or prolong weight loss and weight maintenance. Many of these products are:

  • Less invasive than popular cosmetic surgeries
  • Relatively affordable
  • Well-researched and proven to provide benefits

No matter what area of the health and beauty industry interests you most, or what role you play in this field, there is sure to be something at the esthetics convention to help you gain answers to your questions or which will allow you to gain new insights. Touring the many products that are soon to hit the market or learning about the latest cosmetic, restorative or enhancement procedures can help you to expand your business or improve your own self-care plan. It is also one of the best ways to network with the best professionals in this field.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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