The Most Sought-after Beauty School Scholarships

Beauty schools may offer shorter courses than traditional universities but the cost can still be prohibitive for those who are barely able to make ends meet. However, this doesn’t mean that underprivileged individuals should give up their dreams. There are plenty of beauty school scholarships that are available for people who are willing to file the paperwork and go the extra mile. Those who are lucky enough to get selected will be able to breathe more easily as they complete their training to become one of the best in the business. Here are just a few of the options for prospective students:

Jeannette Rankin Foundation

Jeannette Rankin is the first woman to be elected to Congress. She was a leader of both the feminist and pacifist movements throughout the 1900s. To honor her memory, the Jeannette Rankin foundation provides scholarships to women who are at least 35 years old and are currently struggling with a low income. The financial support is meant to help them complete post-secondary education and make a better life for themselves and their family. The scholarship is available for a wide range of courses be it ends up in a bachelor’s degree or vocational certificate as long as they are taken at an accredited school. Look up the list on their website for guidance.

ACE Grant

The beauty industry is constantly on the lookout for great young talents. Professional organizations support scholarships every year to help poor but promising students to enroll in a school of their choice. These ACE grants offer significant assistance to students of cosmetology. Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity. This program is supported by the Cosmetology Advancement Foundation, the Beauty and Barber Supply Institute, and the American Association of Cosmetology Schools. Doing well in school under this program may turn the right heads in the industry which could lead to even better breaks in the future.

National Cosmetology Association

Graduation from high school can be bittersweet and full of uncertainties. For many, it means that it’s time to move in from the comforts of having long-time friends at home to embarking on new pursuits in new places. The National Cosmetology Association makes this transition something to look forward to by offering high school graduates with a seed fund for their beauty school training. Anyone who has aspirations of becoming a licensed cosmetologist should try to submit their scholarship application to the NCA. They might just win $1,000 that they can use to cover part of their tuition fees.

Beauty School Scholarships

Most cosmetology schools run their own scholarship programs. At Evergreen Beauty School, we have dedicated financial aid officers who will assist you in exploring the various financing options available.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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