Tips for Success in Cosmetology School

A lot of people enter a cosmetology school with very little knowledge of what’s ahead. They know that they are going to learn amazing new skills but they are largely unaware of what it takes to be successful. Even experienced beauticians can have a hard time if they are ill-prepared for the rigors of the course. Heed the following tips and you should be able to breeze through school with top grades and awesome experiences:

Physical Fitness

Do not underestimate the physical demands of cosmetology school. Every day you will need to brush, blow dry, comb, and style hair. Fatigue will set in quickly if you are out of shape. Your arms will become painful and your legs will be tired from standing all day long. Build up your strength and stamina in order to cope. Maintain a regular workout schedule even it’s only in your room doing bodyweight exercises like pushups and squats. Walk a lot and jog when you can for endurance.

Proper Nutrition

Food is your fuel. Make sure that you are feeding your engines with great fuel every day.

Eat a healthy and balanced diet to boost your immune system. Nothing is worse than getting sick and missing several days due to bed rest. When you come back, you will have to work twice as hard to catch up. Try to limit caffeine intake as over-dependence has adverse effects on the body. The same goes for nicotine. Make sure that you get enough sleep at night so you can feel fresh and ready to go the next day.

Personal Hygiene

You will have to mingle to several different people on a constant basis such as fellow students, instructors, clients and visitors. Since the campus salon is a public place, you have to be careful about personal hygiene so that you don’t get ill or pass on harmful organisms to others. The Evergreen cosmetology school has a strict sanitation policy for students which you should follow religiously. Take extra steps if you feel that they are necessary.

Get Supportive Shoes

Some days will be spent on your feet from sunup to sundown. Your feet will feel extremely sore if you are wearing inappropriate shoes. Cosmetologists need to use the most comfortable shoes with ample support to keep the feet and legs happy. Find out what your instructor uses and ask for advice.

Seek Out Mentors

In order to get better, you must surround yourself with the best. Seek out instructors who are willing to become your mentor. Find out who runs the program that you wish to specialize in and start there.

If you are not comfortable approaching a teacher, then try searching for advanced students instead.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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