Top 5 Winter Hair Care Tips for Long Hair

Figuring out how to take care of your hair in the winter can be difficult. After all, the winter air can wreak havoc on even short hair – and for those with long hair, things can be even worse.

Fortunately, there are great ways to take care of your hair without driving yourself crazy. The best five tips are:

Switch to a Vitamin Rich Shampoo

If the winter takes a toll on your hair, the best thing that you can do is to fight back. Switch over to a nutrient and vitamin rich shampoo for the winter, even if it is not your preferred brand. Doing so will give your hair a chance to get a bit healthier even as the winter winds turn against it.

Avoid Over-Brushing Your Hair

If you are the kind of person that brushes her hair a hundred times before bed, you need to stop before the winter hits. Brushing your hair, while great for making it look soft, can actually damage your hair.

Given the fact that your hair is far more likely to become brittle in the winter, doing this will damage your hair. Instead of over-brushing, do what you can to treat your hair in the shower – good shampoo and conditioner can make the difference.

Do not heat your hair in the winter! Anything that can make your hair more brittle is going to cause you problems, so go ahead and cut out this sort of action while you can. Do not straighten or curl your hair, and make sure that you do not use any kind of product that involves heating elements.

Cover it Up

The winter air is going to wreak havoc on your hair in any case, so why not cover it up? Wearing a cap or covering up the ends is a good way to make sure that you minimize the damage. Tuck the ends under a scarf and you should be good to go.

Trim It

If you want to protect your hair at all costs, you might need to sacrifice a little bit of length. Making sure that you keep your hair trimmed on a regular basis is a great way to ensure that the harsh winter weather does not damage your hair.

It is up to you to protect your hair in the winter. If you simply follow these key elements, you can fight back against a generally damaging hair-care season. So long as you follow these winter hair care tips for long hair, you should make it through relatively unscathed until the spring.

Evergreen Beauty College offers esthetics and cosmetology programs. Contact us for more information.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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