Turning Your Career Around With Cosmetology Training

According to the statistics collected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, people have tendencies of changing their careers in their life. Evidence suggests that many of these jobs are held during the first 40 years of a person’s life. With the growing economic changes and demanding life, people are always seeking for better careers to help support their long-term goals. By the time an individual reaches the retirement age, he or she could have held more than 10 different jobs.

Changing of career among people is becoming a norm than an exception in the modern world full of dynamics.

Why People Choose to Switch Careers

With the growing demands and the need to actualize, many people begin to work for extra years than they had planned previously. Because of the increased life costs such as medical expenses, people are always on the mission of finding a career makeover. Whether you are a young or an old professional, the truth is that you will find it necessary to find a new placement that can help meet your increasing costs of living. This means that one should find a career that will fetch sufficient amount of income to cater for all the needs.

Why Career Change is Becoming a Norm

According to the current studies, everyone is looking for a career that is fulfilling and flexible as opposed to a career that ties a person to a particular routine. Today, cosmetology training is a fast growing field that has attracted the attention of people who are looking for a flexible occupation. Because cosmetology leads to a career that is extremely flexible, many starters are beginning to enroll for specialties in cosmetology. On the other hand, people with relative experience in other fields are shifting their attention toward this field. Recent studies showed that about 45% of people working as barbers, nail technicians, hair stylists, and other areas are self-employed. The flexibility that accompanies self-employment continues to appeal to a large number of professionals.

These statistics are true to all fields, but the results are surprising for cosmetology. The demand for cosmetology has grown over the past decade tremendously and forecasts suggest that the demand will rise by about 20% yearly until 2018. On average, cosmetology will receive the highest percentage of growth compared to other fields.

Why You Should Shift to a Career in Cosmetology?

Changing careers can be voluntary or unplanned as a person walks through his or her career life. If you are planning to change your career in the next few years, nothing will be as rewarding as shifting to cosmetology. You will not regret this decision since there is a growing demand for cosmetology services. Even as the economy shrinks, people are willing to spend by seeking new beauty fashions and styles. Combining the flexibility of a career in cosmetology alongside rising demand for fashion and beauty, cosmetology is the career of the future.

If you would like to make a career change, why not consider a career as a cosmetologist? We at evergreen offer cutting edge beauty courses which includes a cosmetology course. Contact us today for more information.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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