Continuing Education Vital for Cosmetologists

For a cosmetologist, school isn’t over when the degrees have been handed out. In fact, some states require continuing cosmetology education in order to ensure all licensed cosmetologist maintain professional competency and can operate according to the laws in that state.

How Continuing Education Benefits Cosmetologists

In other areas, continuing education helps cosmetologists who are redefining their business focus, who need a refresher course or those who just want to master current trends.

State Requirements

Many states require a minimum number of hours of continuing education biennially, both for licensed cosmetologists and cosmetology instructors. The required coursework usually includes general refresher courses, those that deal with sanitation and health and classes about new technologies. Other states, like Washington, do not require continuing education credits, but highly recommend them for all licensed cosmetologists.

Focusing on a Specialty

One reason a licensed cosmetologist may choose to take additional classes even when they aren’t required is in order to gain more knowledge and experience in a particular specialty. If your degree was a general cosmetology degree, you probably had only the minimal experience with nail treatments. When you decide to add this service to your salon, however, you may want to take additional coursework to brush up on your skills and to learn more techniques. The same can be said for any cosmetology specialty, from makeup artistry to barbering.

Refresher Courses

Many times, a cosmetologist will become known for a specific thing, and it seems to be what all of their customers are looking for. It is both a blessing and a curse. These hairdressers often feel they are stuck in a rut. They have been doing color everyday for several years, but they rarely have a chance to style long hair for formal occasions.

In short, they are out of practice with some tasks because they spend a majority of their time doing others. Attending refresher courses at a local beauty school can allow them to practice their other skills and perhaps bring in some new customers thanks to their mastery of those techniques as well.

Trends and New Technologies

The beauty and esthetics industry is one that is heavily influenced by trends. Threading of eyebrows, keratin treatments for hair and razor cutting have all been recent trends that you most likely did not master in beauty school. When customer requests begin pouring in for trendy techniques, however, you may want to attend a class to learn them. In addition, technology has a huge impact on the field. While some techniques are classic and never go out of style, others have changed drastically. This is true for cosmetologists who graduated as little as five to ten years ago.

Professionals in the cosmetology industry, perhaps as much as in any other field, rely on continuing education.

Evergreen Beauty College offers many continuing education courses, both as reminders of techniques you learned in cosmetology school and for new techniques you would like to master. Contact us or visit one of our three Washington State schools for more information on how to register for classes.


Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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