Getting Clipped at the Local Beauty School Salon

Students undergoing instruction at a beauty school salon need to have authentic resources in order to practice their new skills. In other words, beauty school students will need to start working on actual customers rather than on models or other students.

That is really the whole point of the beauty school in the first place, to instruct students on how to do these things while still operating under the guidance of experienced professionals.

The Need for More at a Beauty School Salon

Beauty school students need real people to work on. Because of this need for a steady stream of customers, most schools operate as a beauty school salon as well as a formal classroom. A beauty school salon generally offers the same menu of services as would be available at a regular salon but at a greatly reduced price. This benefits everyone, since the students are able to gain real world experience in an actual salon setting, while their customers gain access to their services at a substantial savings.

Beauty School Salon Services

Because most beauty schools train their students across the full range of beauty techniques, every service typically obtainable in your favorite salon is also offered here. Where beauty schools excel in regard to an ordinary salon is that they employ the latest techniques and products in everything they do. Many salon operators who have been in business for many years have an attachment to a particular way of doing things that is sometimes rather outmoded.

Beauty school salons train their students in those methods that are the most cosmetically flattering as well as most healthy for their clients in general. New perm and coloring products, for example, are much gentler on the hair than some of the methods still in favor with older stylists. Customers can simply get superior service at a beauty salon and choose from a full range of services including the ones listed below.

  • All manner of haircuts, coloring, styling, perming and trimming are offered for both men and women, as well as children.
  • Manicure and pedicure services are an important part of the beautician’s art and are thus available to their customers.
  • Bikini line, leg and facial waxing services are available, as well as the more specialized skill of eyebrow sculpting.
  • Skin and facial care is another important part of the beauty school curriculum.

Helping Others while Learning a Valuable Trade

All of these services are generally available at the local beauty school salon. In addition to the reduced cost services offered to their regular customers, larger discounts and even complimentary services are sometimes offered to those portions of the population most in financial need, such as the elderly and homeless. These services can be so important to those who can least afford them and it teaches the students that sharing is a very important part of life.

Contact us for more information.

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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