Esthetics Student Success Story: Camille Hendrickson

Having a passion for something and enjoying it while you’re doing it is probably one of the best things in the world. People always say, “If you love what you do, you’ll never have to work a day in your life.” We were very excited to hear the story of our Everett Campus’ Digital Marketing Award winner for the month of May, Camille Hendrickson. When asked about being an esthetician, she said “Being an esthetician is such an honor because I get to spend my days doing what I love, making differences in people’s lives, while still expressing my passion for art and beauty.” That is such a wonderful thing!

About Camille

Before coming to Evergreen, many of our Future Professionals are in jobs that are completely different from where they want to be in life. For Camille, it was just that. She was pursuing a completely different career and said, “I felt limited and not where I needed to be.

After my first day as a student esthetician, I knew I was where I needed to be.” However, earlier in life, Camille did get into freelance makeup work for a while. It was a great passion of hers. Ever since she has come to Evergreen, she has been exposed to so much more of the esthetics industry. Performing waxing, facials, lashes and so much more, has given her a great passion for every angle of her program! She loves it all!

The Evergreen Experience

When Camille decided it was time to get onto a different career path, she decided to come in and see what Evergreen was all about. When asked why she chose to attend Evergreen, she said “It was inviting, fun and offered a vast variety of educational classes aside from the entire program itself (like lash training and chemical peel training).” While at Evergreen, our students are constantly encouraged to do their best. Each month, we have assemblies to reward the Future Professionals with all of the accomplishments from the previous month. That is one of the things that Camille said was one of her favorite things about Evergreen. “Achievements (like Perfect Attendance, Digital Marketing Award, New Request Guest Awards, etc.). They really connected with me because they gave me great incentive to try my hardest. If you put your mind to anything, especially your dreams, anything is possible.”

Although all of our Future Professionals are Superstars, there are certain things that set them apart from their peers. When asked what it was the set her apart she said, “I like to stand out in a crowd! I have a strong work ethic, and I truly care about my clients. Their needs and desires always come first!” She is a very compassionate, dedicated individual with an incredible work ethic. She loves to spend a lot of time invested in all of her guest’s needs! Which works especially well with two of her favorite parts of esthetics: lashes and make-up!

The Next Step

Although we hate seeing our Future Professionals leave us, we are always so happy to watch them flourish in their new careers! After Camille graduates in July, she is really looking forward to all of her new endeavors! She is planning to open up her own day spa as well as offering continued education classes to estheticians with a true passion like her own!

We are always curious as to what advice our soon-to-be graduates have for incoming students. What little nuggets of wisdom do they have to give? When we asked Camille, she said “Go with your gut! Take charge! No dream is to big! Sometimes life will throw you in completely different directions, but trust me, if you have passion and a love for whatever it is that you do, it is all worth it in the end!” Those are great words of advice, Camille!

If you are interested in pursuing a career in the beauty industry, you can check out our program or contact us at one of our three locations: Bellevue, Everett or Renton!

Frank Trieu
Vice President of Business Development & Industry Relations

Frank Trieu is a cosmetology industry leader, and despite his accomplishments and accolades, he still prioritizes students on the Evergreen campus. Through building relationships within the community and local salons, retail stores, and spas, he helps facilitate job placements for aspiring beauty professionals using his expansive network.

Happy Evergreen Beauty College Students


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