Social Media Hub – Engaging Clients and Commenters

Floral Deco –
When you run a social media account, as you should for your modern-day beauty business, you’re inevitably going to get comments. When you do, it’s a good idea to respond to these comments — this is part of a marketing strategy that tells social networks how valuable your content is, which can lead to social media growth. Here’s how to put this social media strategy into play.
1. Provide value through your content
By far, one of the most important components of your social media efforts should be to provide people with value of some kind. When it comes to platforms with user-generated content, like social media platforms, that value can vary — some people provide value by making users laugh, some people create tutorials, and some even just show off something beautiful. However, regardless of what value you’re providing, you need to believe that it’s worth other people stopping and leaving a comment.
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Attribution: @lolaliner
2. Create a reason for people to comment
Just providing value in and of itself isn’t necessarily enough to create social media interactions. If you want to build customer loyalty to your brand, you should also provide reasons for people to comment. Many people do this by including questions either in their videos or in their captions. On YouTube, for example, it’s common for people to suggest, “Leave a comment and let me know if you’ve ever done something like this.” Create a reason for people to start a positive interaction in your comments section.
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Attribution: @patmcgrathreal
3. Set aside some time to reply to comments each day
If you want to let social media algorithms know that you’re active and creating customer engagement, you need to set aside some time to reply to your comments regularly. As you continue to grow, providing this content to your customer base could take a little bit longer, but customer engagement is critical. It provides more value to your customer base, leading to loyal customers who appreciate your excellent customer service, and it also tells the social media sites that you’re a good creator for the platform.
4. Deal effectively with spam and rude or offensive comments
There are two types of negative comments you might deal with, and it’s important to deal with them effectively.
The first type is spam and bot comments. These are comments not left by real people, made with the sole intention of improving someone else’s metrics. For example, they may be trying to falsely improve someone’s follower count or trying to sell a product in your comments. Always delete these comments and mark them as spam. Otherwise, social media networks may falsely determine that you’re trying to use these bots to promote your own content.
The second type is negative comments. However, negative comments can come in two forms: genuine negative reviews of your services or hatred directed toward you, your business, or your content. As much as it can be upsetting to hear negative feedback, avoid the temptation to treat these like “hate.” Negative reviews are as important as positive reviews in helping you understand what your customers want to see from you. Respond to them thoughtfully and with empathy, letting them know that you’ve taken their thoughts into account and will include their assessment moving forward.
When it comes to comments that are aggressive or hateful, however, it’s a good idea to ignore them and delete them from your social media account. Avoid leaving these comments up, as it can create an environment that’s as upsetting for you as it is for other commenters.
5. Respond to direct messages as well as comments
On many social media platforms, it’s possible for you to receive direct messages, which are sent only to you, as well as comments, which are posted on your content publicly. You should do your best to respond to both of these types of comments. Direct messages can be even more important to respond to, as this is often how potential clients will reach out looking to book your services.
Engage your clients and commenters regularly to build community

makistock –
Engagement is key for a social media strategy, both to build your social media presence and to create a genuine sense of community for your potential customers. If you’re looking for other ways to engage your clients and commenters, check out the social media content at the Evergreen Beauty College blog. This can help you successfully bring in new clients through your social media presence.
FAQ: Engaging commenters
Why is social media interaction so important?
When you interact with potential clients and customers on a social media platform, it does three things. First, it builds a community. Especially as a beauty professional, you want your potential customers to think of you as a person they know and enjoy talking to. Second, it creates brand awareness. The next time a potential client is thinking about getting a service, they may think of your social media posts. Finally, it helps grow your business. By interacting regularly, your social media channels are more likely to grow and become more popular, introducing you to even more possible customers.
Do I need to respond to every comment?
It’s generally considered good practice to respond to every comment that’s from a real person. Even if you only send back an emoji, a response tells your target audience that you’re interested in what they have to say and that you want them to keep talking to you. It can also tell the social media algorithms that your social media followers are invested in your content, which can lead them to boost your social platforms.
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Attribution: @nailsbymh
What are some questions I can ask to create engagement in my content?
Asking questions has become a successful tool for creating engagement across social channels. You generally want to ask questions that pertain to your niche in some way. For example, you may ask, “What’s your favorite eyeshadow style?” or “How often do you like to go to the salon?” This is a great way to engage customers and get them thinking about your options.